
Sunday, November 7


Sunday Sketch
Picture> Sleeping Lady by Tamara de Lempika

For a time

Too long a time

I used to hide

Play seek and…

Wherever I hid

I had that chance for seconds

To be aware

I was not like the other guys

So I decided


Getting that far

Was too dark

Let’s then not play

Or hide

I committed myself

To behaving

As the rest of them

Joyful them

And I pretended

I was one other one

But pretending was blindness

And lies

As lame ones

So easy to catch...

That's why

After a while

I was baptized

Different and wild

Well that's fine

You must be right...



Betty Manousos said...

Nice poem to ponder on.
Loved that"...pretending was blindness"
And also"...that's why I was baptized Different and wild!"


B xx

Carlo said...

Everybody thinks this, aware I was not like the other guys. Even so everybody is all like each other one.

Different and Wild sure different outside maybe wild but deeper in all the same thing.

A good thinking story of long ago versa now. But my nature remain the same thing before and after.

Good write

Brian Miller said...

dulce...some great word the seek and in the opening...and wild and different...that is not a bad thing at all...

Anthony Duce said...

The poem evolves so well toward the end destination. I like the transition from hiding to attempting to be like the rest, and the results, very easy to relate too. And the image picked is a favorite… Thank you


love the piece, dulce! think i had the same baptism! ;)

and you KNOW how i love the artist whose image you chose! she was a woman way beyond her time!

Dulçe ♥ said...

Dear Gypsy when I chose it,I couldn't help thinking of you...but, of course!

Tammie Lee said...

I love the baptism,,,, different and wild.

Caio Fern said...

Dulcissima my sweet dear !!
how can a poem be so direct and with so many meanings .
so beautiful and brave .

Caio Fern said...
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Caio Fern said...
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Lu Ann said...


Sweet reaction you caused me!
Yep... pretending is like denying ourselves... and it hurts a lit because somtimes we may end up somewhere we never thought we´d be and we wont have an idea of how we got there...

:) (Yep... Im in love!)

Jannie Funster said...

I'm wild and different too. I guess with poets there's a lot of that going around, baptized and soaring.


joanna said...


This is a personal favorite of mine that you wrote, as always I adore your writings, can be viewed many ways by the reader... a sign of excellent writing.

It does resemble though the life style of the artist Tamara De Lempicka and her early life with her first husband --and the wild child she was helping him get out of Russia & then her life in Paris..

Excellent pairing...


Lenora said...

Wow - this is beautiful. The poem so suits the painting! Different and wild - like that!

Kay said...

life is confusing, most of the time... but one thing holds true, some hearts are meant to be free... :)

lovely write today.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

those last two stanza's really spoke to me...pretending..lies...and baptized into...awesome...☺

A Plain Observer said...

really good lines here. Very honest as all your poetry is

Jessie said...

very nice indeed.
shamefully I must admit, I've not visted you for awhile...I do like your new look very much!

warm smiles,

JStar said...

This is nice Dulce

Claudia said...

..But pretending was blindness

And lies

As lame ones

So easy to catch...
so true, so true...we should be try to be real...great poem dulce!

Nevine Sultan said...

A beautiful piece of self-reflection, Dulce. There are many meanings here for all of us. Many thoughts... and many realities. Just lovely, my dear!


SILVIA said...

Caemos siempre en el error de ser como los otros, dejando de ser nosotros...
Un besazo cielo!!!

G-Man said...

You are so talented...:-)