
Saturday, July 9


Only when you go to sleep
Will this need to eat and drink cease...
And as you dream
You’ll want it all
You’ll want much more.
Your mouth,
A door to hell and paradise.
And you realize
Your vigilance
Your sobriety
Your self-control is now
Ruined and extinct.
Grievous disgust and guilt.
And you call pig the one in the mirror
Craving to get rid of an anxiety
Which you forgot how long ago...
An anxiety
Which no love or sport
      will ever call off...


Spinderella Soap: Frogs Legs For Dinner Mounted Print by Minaz Jantz


Brian Miller said...

ah, comfort from the anxiety we stuff ourselves until the anxiety has been forgotten but no the habit and how it makes us feel...comfort...

Claudia said...

when i was a teenager i had anorexia and one of the reasons for this was that i tried to get control over my life by controlling what i ate...silly in a way...but yes - the anxiety..

Scarlet said...

a creative way to describe it...yes its all about anxiety.

steveroni said...

Hey, Dulce dear, my sobriety and self-control are NEVER ruined and extinct. That is but my excuse to NOT get up, wipe off the dust, and begin anew.

I can start over any minute, hour, day, or month.
But you know all that lingo...

Now...grievous disgust and guilt. I can only begin to deal with those, when I talk to a trusted friend, priest, rabbi, Buddhist Monk, or counselor. I need HELP to rid me of those two bad guys!

Anxiety...I know NOTHING about that--grin! Glad you posted. Now, begin to become HAPPY!! Every one else is. (That's a lie!)

For you from me...PEACE! xo

rainfield61 said...

Or I call Monkey the one in the mirror.

That I cannot erase.

aguja said...

Your own self is the true being; all the rest are add-ons and can be left behind as strewn litter, shaken off.