
Friday, July 31


To G-Man
Walking down the street
She looked up
and saw him, by the window
He saw her down there too
A glimpse and another
A smile
Both full of words
of desire
'Shall I tell her to wait?'
'Shall I wink at him and wave my hand?'
Neither did.
Love flew away
in just a second.
© Dulce Rosales

Thursday, July 30


This is how you feel when despair, panic and fright come to you- without previus notice.

I am just waiting on a friend
Revolving around scarce ideas.
Is it I’ve run out of them?
Frightening me
By the conviction
I’ve been let down.
Why her mobile gives no answer?
She forgot our appointment...
She's done some of the like
But never such…
Forty-five minutes!

Starting to sweat.
Beginning to fear.
Need to leave this place.
Escape from here- from myself.
Hurting feet
Bloody new shoes
Back burning by unsettling Sun,
Sorry Love,
Your companion is not welcome today.
Walk and walk...
I do hate these crowds
Do not let me breathe properly.
About to faint I am.
God, help me.
Give me time to get to an ambulance
No… I cannot die for this
It’s not the first time
But it’s so hot!
Too many people,
All unknown
No taxis, no police officers
If I found one, what could I say?
Don’t be ridiculous!
Breathe in, breathe out...
You are safe, you are safe.
Sweetheart, please!

I look into the bar
There you are- by chance?

Never mind
This time you’ve bailed me out, man.

Still I don’t believe in miracles...


© Dulce Rosales

Tuesday, July 28


* I sink my tears

In the deepest place

Of this my soul

A place where there seems

To be no end, no bed, no bottom.

If I had to count them

In the form of drops-as they’ve come out

What a long number

I’m not that good at maths.

* I sink my passion

In the deepest hole of my heart

And there it goes in a sort of spiral

Round and round in circles

Getting only

To my between-legs

And back

To my heart again

* I sink what I think

At times too

Which only makes me sick

Thus, health problems arise.

* I sink in vain

I see flowers grow,

Blossom and become

What they are due to!

* Don’t you sink no more

My little flower

So many seeds left to grow

In your little garden.


© Dulce Rosales

Sunday, July 26


If only I wasn’t afraid
If I was perfect in every sense
If I could delete it and start it all over again
If I were braver, wiser or nicer
If my heart beats ran slower
If peace were all around
If I could feel it inside all the time
If I could be just an observer
If I spent more time playing with my son
If I did not sit so many hours in front of this divine worldwide device
If I was healthier, ate less and better
If I drank less coffee and smoked not
If I was stricter and committed myself to a tough discipline for life
If I had the perfect age (which one is a good one?)
If I had the perfect weight (how many is enough?)
If I was stronger, if I didn’t give a damn
If I could control these panic attacks
And instead feel total calmness and indifference.
If John, Mark, or Jack, or Paul
Had kneeled before me
Or if I hadn’t left Mr Big
If I had caught them by the balls- as Eve suggests…
Or maybe that’s exactly what I did!
If the future did not make me blind
If the past had been as I had dreamt
If only I enjoyed this present to the utmost
Well, then what? That wouldn’t be me.
Anyway if all that happened or had happened
still I would be, have and feel exactly the same;
Would have made exactly the same mistakes.
So I’d better take it and not leave it ; instead, stick a bit more to it?

© Dulce Rosales.....................................Paintining by Pauline Adair

Friday, July 24


Slices of heat

Bring this summer

To my skin

And further.

Leftovers of those ‘I have to’

And alarm clocks

Do not allow me

To enjoy these spells of time thoroughly.

Yet, watching my child,

Relishing in the pool

Does so for a few minutes...

Drops of water sparking

In the middle of

The hottest day of the year.

(This woman really does remind me of the one I am).

Bits of rests of slices

Of concern of what

Remains of you

Whom I only echo

For the sake of it-

Because of the unconscious

Periods of night dreaming

Which I can’t help

‘Cause no one has turned up

To fill in (or out!) this infatuation.

So much love

Solidly bound to be granted

This summer-

Apparently and unavoidably

In small pieces.


© Dulce Rosales

Sunday, July 19


While I was walking
by your side today,
your furious waves
insisted on drawing my attention-
to remind me of
your immutable and loyal presence.
For I wasn’t wholly conscious
You were there!

I could hear you,
But was not listening.
I could see you,
But not watching you.
I could smell… and so it came!

The burst… the awareness,
Which withdrew this
constant and vain thinking...

And that cherished contact,
complicity and veneration
between us

returned unavoidably.
As if God itself.

How can I dare to ignore you!
Not a second...
My deep blue Sea…

© Dulce Rosales

Wednesday, July 15


He is smooth; he’s smart.

What I think of him

Daring say I must.

One has what the other lacks-

That’s how prejudices always come up.

Swimming in

Letting go

Running dry

And diving into it again

Is it lucky, is it wise

Comparing souls of opposed kinds.

As what I have within:

Tenderness and indifference,

Togethernes and solitude

My spirit, my skin…

It’s smooth, it’s smart;

It’s evil and it’s holy;

It’s deviant and it’s passionate.

My eyes see only one

Whole world,

Full of creatures.

At times sharing,

At times struggling…

Just like my cells

And my thoughts inside.

© By Dulce Rosales..................................................Paintings by Gustav Klint

Tuesday, July 14


Imposible atravesar la vida ...
sin que un trabajo salga mal hecho,
sin que una amistad cause decepción,
sin padecer algún quebranto de salud,
sin que nadie de la familia fallezca,
sin que un amor nos abandone...
sin equivocarse en un negocio.

Ese es el costo de vivir.

Sin embargo,
lo importante no es lo que
suceda, sino cómo reaccionamos nosotros...
Si te pones a coleccionar heridas eternamente sangrantes,
vivirás como un pájaro herido incapaz de volver a volar.

Uno crece cuando no hay vacío de esperanza,
ni debilitamiento de voluntad,
ni pérdida de fe.

Uno crece
al aceptar la realidad
y al tener el aplomo de vivirla.
Crece cuando acepta su destino,
y tiene voluntad de trabajar para cambiarlo.

Uno crece asimilando y aprendiendo de lo que deja detrás...
construyendo y proyectando lo que tiene por delante.
Crece cuando se supera, se valora, y da frutos.
Cuando abre camino dejando huellas,
asimilando experiencias...
¡Y siembra raíces!

Uno crece cuando se impone metas,
sin importarle comentarios negativos, ni prejuicios,
cuando da ejemplos sin importarle burlas, ni desdenes...
cuando se es fuerte por carácter, sostenido por formación,
sensible por temperamento... ¡Y humano por nacimiento!..
Cuando enfrenta el invierno aunque pierda las hojas,
recoge flores aunque tengan espinas
y marca camino aunque se
levante el polvo.

Uno crece ayudando a sus
semejantes, conociéndose a sí mismo
y dándole a la vida más de lo que recibe....

Uno crece cuando se planta para no retroceder... cuando
se defiende como águila para no dejar de volar...
Cuando se clava como ancla en el mar

y se ilumina como estrella.

Entonces... Uno Crece

(C)By CSI maria del ancho mar.

Sunday, July 12

En Tus Manos

Qué cómodo y amplio

se hace el camino
con mi renacida, dulce exquisitez.

Ya enmarqué tu arte-

Está en la cabecera de mi cama,

Me recordará siempre la hermosa experiencia

de estar a tu lado.

Mi cuerpo ha resucitado,

mi alma ha despertado,

con tus caricias y tus palabras...

Somos libres

Podemos escribir nuestra historia

como queramos

Estar a tu lado, abrazarte,

secar tus lágrimas

Te deseo a ti, tus manos, tu piel.

tus piernas…tus ojos

Juntar mi cuerpo con el tuyo

Me gustaría estar en tu sueño

Estoy frente al mar

Estás aquí.

Tanto y más...

te permiten hoy tenerme

...en tus manos

Thursday, July 9

Edgar Degas

My favourite painter of all time is (Hilaire Germain) Edgar Degas, a French painter and

sculptor, whose innovative composition, skilful drawing, and perceptive analysis of movement made him one of the masters of modern art in the late 19th century.

He was born into a well-to-do banking family on July 19, 1834, in Paris.

Degas is usually classed with the impressionists, and he exhibited with them in seven of the eight impressionist exhibitions. However, his training in classical drafting and his dislike of painting directly from nature produced a style that represented a related alternative to impressionism. His pastels are usually simple compositions containing only a few figures. He was obliged to depend on vibrant colours and meaningful gestures rather than on precise lines and careful detailing, but, in spite of such limitations, these works are eloquent and expressive and have a simple grandeur unsurpassed by any of his other works.

Degas was not well known to the public, and his true artistic stature did not become evident until after his death. He died in Paris on September 27, 1917.

Wednesday, July 8

Pen in Hand

Today I’m writing here

Sitting in a bar

All alone, pen in hand

Delicious cigarette and beer

Passers by

Waiting for miracles

Looking at your photo

Trying to bewitch you.

Fate is cruel these days…

How beautiful the way I see it

How well you must kiss

Sucking you all over.

What an illusory delusion.

Here in our bar…

My thoughts come and go

with your smile.

And the time when

I thought this would be

Entirely possible.

© Dulce Rosales (08/05/09)

Monday, July 6

In the Name of Love

Thank YOU man...I did not delete it.
(C) By Dulce Rosales (20/03/09)

Thoughts in Pieces

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

* I've recently realized how much

I take after all of you , people...

Yet, who I'm makes such a big difference!

* Happines vanishes as soon as it comes up

And still I feel I deserve much more.

* 'Mum, did you notice a bird was singing when we woke up this morning?'

'Yes, son, it always does.'

'So why don't we ever listen to it?'

'Why should we?'

'I feel as if it's trying to tell us something.'

'I guess so... Maybe that there's always a reason to get up. One of them, and most important: we have each other.'

* Just a moment ago was 30 years ago.

In a minute it'll be the rest of my life.


© by Dulce Rosales

Despertar (poema)

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Experiencia de ojos cansados
Nubes de coliflor
Un brillo que chispea
la idea
redundando en las blancas flores
de olas al romper
del aún invierno remanso
de esta playa fria
llena de paz
y alegría
de respirar la eterna
de estar viva y, al mar,
menos cansada ya
y con los brazos llenos del despertar
a mi experiencia.
Dolor de muerte y muertos
y miedo al más allá
No- al más acá.

(Dulce Rosales,1997)


Friday, 23 January 2009

Obstacles are our challenge in life.
With no obstacles ,
it woudn't be worth it;
we'd take everything for granted...
Obstacles are everywhere.
They've been there ever since
we were born.
Obstacles are like that big rock in the middle of the path we lead and follow.
Our aim is to learn how to save obstacles.

© by Dulce Rosales (January 2009)


Tuesday, 27 January 2009

All my life

A redundant nightmare

Dreaming of the Sea

Huge waves approach me

Trying to run -but useless

Trying to move -but pointless

Then another night

The victorious night

I manage to face

The biggest one

Running towards it- just in time

Before the big break takes place

It’s the pleasure of swimming through

As I’ve always done

It’s the pleasure of getting rid

Of all the fears

All the panic

All the doubts…

Calmness comes back,

I’ve faced the Sea

TIME (poem)

Friday, 20 February 2009

You and your Time

Time waits for nobody...

You say you never have enough Time

You have Time for nothing

Time is NOW

And It has already vanished…

Time is all we have

And as soon as you think of it

It has flown- forever

Time is us

And Time doesn’t exist

Time is there and nowhere

It’s time you grasped It

For I'm afraid it’ll be too late

When you want to enjoy It

It’s high time you stopped saying,

'It’s too late, I have to go'

And instead, say,

'It’s so early, I might stay'

See you soon ???

(To all my stressed people)..................................................................

© by Dulce Rosales

Nothing Really Matters...

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Where were you when I needed you?
You did not exist.
Once You were there, but you weren't.
How typical...
Once I believed I was perfectly BOHEMIAN
and could not realize my happiness
revolved around you.
Silly me.
Expecting to be the owner
of someone else's life.
Pretending I could deal with a refusal.
Brainless me!
Now...I own my own and inner self
an apology and explanation.
For I was wrongly mistaken
I was confused and deceived
by your Charm.
Vain Charm!
Broken Heart
for unfulfilled
desires, so common!
-Just chronic.
If only....
Always if only...
But that's no longer the disguised excuse...
How unwise.
It only takes a second, a minute, an hour
and never more than a week
to make up with one's misery
Understanding as though in a RHAPSODY, though
Once you've reached the bottom
of the deepest disappointment
It goes up inevitably by itself:
And the relief comes back again...
...For there's nothing keener to be done.
...For anyway the wind blows.
God Save the Queen in Me, let's have fun.

© by Dulce Rosales

Sweety Self Back Again

Saturday, 28 February 2009

Today I've been able to be born again...
I've seen the Light of Life again...
How easy...
.... with no previous resolution or expectation.
By just enjoying Real People...
I've found myself having a ball again.
Just being myself again.
As in the old times.
When all I had to do was
Not to expect any miracles
Any Saviours
Any Princes Charming
I'm Not a Princess
But A Queen
Not The prettiest
Nor The Best

Yet, there's no one better I can think of now... but me.
Is it maybe the sweetest of my inner peaceful self...?
I guess so...
Hi, Serene Sweetheart-
Welcome back- Again.
© by Dulce Rosales

Without YOU

Sunday, 31 May 2009

Love... tell me,
Why do your candles light the longest?
Your guitar keeps weeping in me ...
I've seen you bleeding again.
And I realise once more how meaningless
all this is.
Seen your inner tears again.
And my impossibility to take you back home,
Saw you alive again, last night.
Sweet Dreams ...
Back you were and off you went, so quickly-
As usual.
I see you suffering again.
And how my feebleness grows with it
Everything recoils...
If I had done this or that;
or more- much more.
If I had touched your hands
and feet even more..
If I had told you much more often
If only god had existed...
I see your desperation again
with my eyes in fire-
No one can put that out!
Your guitar weeps in me.
And all my present displeasures
and failures turn out to be
so extremely ridiculous!
All this loneliness of mine
Should I thank the Beyond for it?
I guess so- But still cannot forgive Life
for letting you go. Never will I!
Never will I concieve why
This nightmare
had to shake our lives-
Out of the blue!
Still your guitar weeps
Yes, I know.
Have to wake up every single day
and carry on
and be thankful for all I have
Having- though without you, Love.
(C) Dulce Rosales '09

Y 5th
en months ago,
here you were
Eleven-month absence,
nuous presence.
It feels great to know
that sooner or later
we'll mee
t again,
where you've gone in advance.
The best of your bests, for you today....
The song they must have written for you
For I'm sure

No one has ever listened to

or looked up to a tune
as much as YOU have done to this one.
Deep deep Pepe.......................YES... this IS Music.


She’s got shiny, long blond hair
Perfect skin – full of youth…
Lovely, fresh, white smile
If she has all that,
And I do not,
Who am I?
She’s got perfect waist
And size
Long legs, sexy hips,
Better breasts!
If she has all that,
And I do not,
Who am I?
I do not look at the mirror anymore.
Instead, I look in it-
To see the mature person I’ve become
Full of life, growing sense of humour
Just: A perfect walking soul.
( A tribute to Farrah Fawcett)
© Dulce Rosales