
Tuesday, November 2

Smile Back...

Image, slightly adapted from: Try To Smile In Real Life by Stamatis GR (Deviantart)

Smiling… so easy

Some still find it hard

Guaranteed a way
To get on well with life.

It always welcomes people
No matter they might

For a thousand reasons
Be disturbed or full of pride

When I smile
I am smiled back

Who’d dare avoid that?

Because the spirit within
Is rejoicing
Second after second

Best therapy

No risks to be run

A smile a day

Like apples may...

As I smile more often
I’ve found more

And better friends
I argue less
People see my soul
Through my
Smiling eyes and
That I know
They like

Love the difference it makes

Apparently nothing much
Yet, to me

More than enough...


Posted for One Shot Wednesday


Silver said...

Smiling back, sweet one!


Betty Manousos said...

Every poem of yours is an action of love, a gift to all of us. Thanks for this smiling gem. :)
Love it...
because of your sweet poetry you make life more beautiful!!

Big smiles!

B xx

Hope said...

beautiful reflection on one of the very important tools to get through life. Lovely poem!
thank you

JStar said...

Smiles are contagious...

Carla Bruni said...

Hi Dulce & Followers,

Smile, smile a lot sweet friend!!!

Don't be afraid about it, smile freely!! I love to see you smiling, because when you're smiling everything goes better and your beautiful eyes send good vibrations.

In addition there is no better therapy to improve the quality of our lives... so don't stop smiling.

Love your poem as always dear!!


Desert Rose said...

ahhh smiling back at you sweet thing! loved the picture and the call for a just NEEDED..! you are painting smiles on my face darling..:)

thank you for always being by my side..tight smiling hugs..:)

S. Susan Deborah said...

Love the new layout with water cascading. Feels surreal. All you have to add is some lovely music. Ah, I love smiling. In fact, I smile a bit too much. And I smile back at you . . . a smile that is radiant and reaches the eyes and touches the soul.

Big hugs, my dearest.

Joy and smiles,

Brian Miller said...

kinda moodya nd emo today...but i will smile back at you...(smiles)

Kay said...

never lose that smile :)

Kay said...

PS... like hugs, they are free and feel oh-so-good! :))

joanna said...

Smiles and hugs your poem as always lifts my spirits, smiling back at you and sending warm hugs and good vibes to you sweet one.


KB said...

I smile at everyone...I can't help
myself :)

Brian Miller said...

see you gave me even more smiles now...thanks for the encouragement dulce...

Glynn said...

A smile can reveal so much - and hide so much.

This was delightful.

Claudia said...

a smile says more than thousands of words..beautiful dulce...i'm smiling now...thanks for this!

Kodjo Deynoo said...

Yea lets smile, I love a good smile

Nevine Sultan said...

Smiles... how can I live without them? Even when I am upset I try to smile because... it just makes me feel better to smile. And... it's contagious. Someone sees you smiling, and all of a sudden, they're smiling, too. What can be better than that? And what can be better than to smile... after a long day's work... while reading about smiling... and positivity... and joy? ;-)

Big hugs,

patty said...

Smiling, smiling, and smiling some more. and I particularly love your last four lines. yes, a smile does make a difference! xo

dustus said...

Smiles, Dulce :)) it takes more energy to frown, in the long run too. Happy Smiling One Shot!

Soraya said...

How sweet Claudia, just keep smiling.
Read it, made me feel happy.
Blessings. Soraya

PattiKen said...

Smiling at you, my friend. This is beautiful and a real reminder of the power of a simple smile.

moondustwriter said...

Even your words about smiling make me smile. Your beautiful words always inspire Dulce

Thanks for sharing your beauty again with One Shot

moonie hugs

Timoteo said...

It makes an amazing, tangible difference. Nice work.

Unknown said...

there is nothing sweeter than a genuine smile... especially one that involves the eyes

Anthony Duce said...

Great poem and message.

G-Man said...


Carrie Van Horn said...

Dulce this is beautiful and true...:-):-):-)

Lu Ann said...

:) Ah! awesome Dulce!

I think Im gonna start the same therapy!!

A smile a day. Sounds like a really nice challenge.

Shashidhar Sharma said...

SMile... how true and I liked the simple way you put a smile across my face... thanks

ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya
Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

Reflections said...

Beautiful observance of the simple things brought from a smile.

June_Butterfly said...

Totally,agree!No one can resist a smile that comes from the heart.And I know yours ,does!

Like what they say...Smile and the world will smile with you.

Happy one-shot!!!

Anonymous said...

Just a small reminder that we don't smile often enough! Enjoyed the read!

Marshy said...

such a positive statement written wonderfully..thanks for sharing..pete

izzy said...

'Tis a very good thing - and contagious!

SuziCate said...

Lovely. Smiling is contagious! Smiles!

Anonymous said...

Am smiling now :D
Smile is a gift which brings life... nicely put into words..

Asobime said...

A good poem to remember ....and beyond, a good principle to remember!

(and good therapy!)

Lady Nyo

Bubba said...

It takes fewer facial muscles to smile than to frown.

I find it hard to fake a smile because I try to make my smile genuine, and some days I just don't have it in me.

(But most days I do!) :)

Nice piece, Dulce!

Chris G. said...

Nice progression, good flow--a touch of emotion, thoughtful joy, in a fine work.

Monkey Man said...

Wonderful sentiments. Smile. So simple. Great One Shot.

Steve Isaak said...

Nice thoughts, well-put.

Shadow said...

so bloody simple, why don't more people do this?!?!?!?!?! but here i am, smiling back at you, and it feels goooood!

gautami tripathy said...

Here is my smile for you too!

bits and pieces

The Girl With The Mousy Hair said...

How true it is, smile and the world smiles back.

Brian Miller said...

dulce, jumped back a post or two...wanted to know if you would be interested in being featured in a monday spotlight over at one shot. i always find your poems emotional and evocative...and would like to do a spotlight. just let me know. would need to get a poem or two from you for the post...