
Monday, May 30

One So Many

I am
the so many ones

I am even a man

The one who sinks in vain
Thinks through pain
And plays with words
To make it worse

I am
the one who fights
Against what is not right
The one who turns to ignore
And the one who needs to know

I am 
the one who states and believed
You’d be here tomorrow
When you’ve gone


Inside it rains

I am 
my little girl
I am
the woman 


Chin up


The one who thought and sought
And lost it all
So many more


I am 
my own contradiction
And yours

My lack of decision
In a world of science fiction

I moan and complain
Insist  and resist
Afraid to exist.

And there goes my train.

Image > You by Zemotion


Brian Miller said...

oh no not the train...smiles. it only takes one...and you seem to be it...smiles. hope you have a good day dulce...

ayala said...

" I am my own contradiction and yours" a perfect line.

Scarlet said...

Love it...we are many faces all at once, not knowing what to show.

Claudia said...

i so know what you mean dulce..we need to learn to be ourselves..not easy but possible..

Silent Screams: A Blog About Life said...

Spectacular! I am glad I read this. Thanks for sharing your extraordinary talent with us.

steveroni said...

One: Why did they build the train station so many kilometers from the village?

Other: Because that is where the tracks are.


Felicitas said...

Lovely and thought-provoking!

Margie said...

No matter what the circumstances, you always shine in your writing ability!

May joy shine in your heart today!

Margie x

steveroni said...

Dulce, I must write I think this is a stunning self-assessment stunningly written. And reminds me how many, many times in my life I have said to myself--tearfully--"there goes my train."

"I am the so many ones..."
The Multiples

Andrew said...

When God was handing out brains I thought He said trains, and I missed mine.

aguja said...

Just keep on writing, Dulce. Your poetry is succinct, poignant and each word essential to the whole.

I am so often in awe when I read your words that have become poetry before my eyes.

A Plain Observer said...

I found myself in every line.
Yes, dear Dulce, we are all of that. When we feel, we are all of that and when we hurt, we all of that too.

Neha Duhan said...

beautifully written...loved it...