
Sunday, January 22

What is it ?

What was it

About you and me

That suddenly wanted to vanish

But could not?

What did it have to do

With time

Or distance

Since we  both always knew


Did not exist?

What is it

Among us humans

Trying to stop


Since we both always knew

Those are but

Different, contradictory

Ways of looking at

The same reality?


Dream In Motion by


Anthony Duce said...

Great words. It's always been so much easier not to follow through. Something I didn't learn for too many years.

Anne Frank said...

I love the ending. We should all keep it in mind in order to respect each other. We could seem very different one from the other, but we are living in the same world and we all have the same dreams.
Thx U Dulce!

Brian Miller said...

quitting is easy, it takes something much more to stay with it...or together..


greetings dear lady - i'm sorry to have been so remiss in making my way round of late - life and its many distractions mandating my energies and time and - well, you know what i mean - but i have sorely missed my visits to your beautiful world of words here and it's a pleasure to sit this morning and play catch up a bit over here - wishing you and yours nothing but peace light and love - jenean

steveroni said...

Humans trying to stop. Quit. Sounds like learning to give up attachments?

And the ending...cannot everyone identify here, if we stop (quit!) and think? You wrote--and it's mt favorite part:

"Since we both always knew
Those are but
Different, contradictory
Ways of looking at
The same reality?

...and I didn't even have to look up any words! Thanks, Dulce. PEACE!