by your side today,
your furious waves
insisted on drawing my attention-
to remind me of
your immutable and loyal presence.
For I wasn’t wholly conscious
You were there!
I could hear you,
But was not listening.
I could see you,
But not watching you.
I could smell… and so it came!
The burst… the awareness,
Which withdrew this
constant and vain thinking...
And that cherished contact,
complicity and veneration
between us
returned unavoidably.
As if God itself.
How can I dare to ignore you!
Not a second...
My deep blue Sea…
© Dulce Rosales
So... I aplogize for being by your side and taking it for granted...
We came and He was.
We'll go away and He'll be.
Time and time again.
He always is...
Our deep blue Sea.
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