I am just waiting on a friend
Revolving around scarce ideas.
Is it I’ve run out of them?
Frightening me
By the conviction
I’ve been let down.
Why her mobile gives no answer?
She forgot our appointment...
She's done some of the like
But never such…
Forty-five minutes!
Starting to sweat.
Beginning to fear.
Need to leave this place.
Escape from here- from myself.
Hurting feet
Bloody new shoes
Back burning by unsettling Sun,
Sorry Love,
Your companion is not welcome today.
Walk and walk...
I do hate these crowds
Do not let me breathe properly.
About to faint I am.
God, help me.
Give me time to get to an ambulance
No… I cannot die for this
It’s not the first time
But it’s so hot!
Too many people,
All unknown
No taxis, no police officers
If I found one, what could I say?
Don’t be ridiculous!
Breathe in, breathe out...
You are safe, you are safe.
Sweetheart, please!
I look into the bar
There you are- by chance?
Never mind
This time you’ve bailed me out, man.
Still I don’t believe in miracles...
© Dulce Rosales
That's really a song of panic. I've felt this way too many times, but I guess many ones I did learn how not to expect - I know it's not good. Your poem is exceptional, specially the feeling that breathes through it. Smiles!
There are no miracles.
Only way with up and down.
Without thinking.
Only feel.
Without guards who organize.
Without well-known.
Without knowledge.
Without mobiles to request aid,
or hope to somebody.
Without looking for,
because you only found fears and panics.
It moves your feet,
although they hurt,
they must push ahead.
You can run
but not flee of you.
The unique miracle is
to live.
oh, panic, indeed. i felt that reading this...
Thank you for your comments. > so you got the feeling!
you created the panic very expertly.. i could feel it
This panic--yes, reading your post, I realize I have also felt like this--rather FELT THIS! It is worse than depression. it is debilitating.
No more, thank god!
But I know someone who experiences this regularly, afraid to go out of the house. She was just last week committed to a place she might never leave. It is as if everyone has given up on her. I pray for her now...
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