Etretat, soleil couchant (Etretat, Sunset), 1883, North Carolina Museum of Art,
Is this crisis in the world?
How different from
Six years before?
Is this crisis in me
And so in you?
Is it the same way?
The way it used to be...
Is the direction of the wind
Changeable as we desire?
Is the scorching sun
Suffocating them more today
Than in the old days
When sleeping indoors was
A battle against the elements?
Do those flurries disturb them more
Up there in the north?
This crisis of my soul
So welcome
For I know now
Whom and how
I will love.
Claude Monet (14 November 1840 – 5 December 1926) was a founder of French impressionist painting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plain-air landscape painting. The term Impressionism is derived from the title of his painting Impression, Sunrise (Impression, Soleil levant).
my dearest friend, how i wish my soul felt and expressed itself as you so easily do. my wonderings lead me to places that are dark and anxious while you find expression that is both beautiful and thought provoking. i love your work, dear dulce!
How wonderful my friend and very thought provoking :)
.."For I know now whom and how i will love"...that was lovely.
Nice read.
This is a wonderful, heartfelt poem, Dulce...as always, I can see your beautiful soul so wonderfully woven into your words. The painting was a delight, I love Monet's work and it was a perfect accompaniment for this magical poem.
Wind direction is not changeable. But whether to fly with it, or against, that is what I may choose.
"This crisis of my soul..." could be that turning point in a life? I have several of those in memory--grin!
Dulce these are your private thoughts so well shared, so well written, so unjustly analyzed by me. Guess I am a true aficionado here! GOD! For nearly one year...
Take Care, YOU!
Oooops! Forgot! Monet I love. We have a several of his reproductions hanging in our house.
This "Sunset" especially appeals to me for his typical(?) treatment of base color to effect reflection, and gives this piece an almost surreal tone--for me. (But sounds of the wave action are still prevalent.)
Thank you for the art. Seldom do I comment on that.
That's all.....enough! she says!
So much crisis in the world, sweetest Dulce - I just can't bear the ongoing tragedy in the Gulf. So many have never recovered from Katrina and, now, this horrible oil spill jeopardizes the whole ecosystem, and the livelihood of the fishermen.
"For I know now
Whom and how
I will love."
I wish I knew something so positive! Your poetry gives me hope.
This was very beautiful. Your words were thought provoking. That's a nice painting.
Dan Bull, a rap singer says – among many other things-this in one of his songs:
It’s a messy planet, full of stress and panic
There’s many bad things we can prevent with action-
so forget the distractions and accept the challenge
Darfur, Georgia, Iran, Palestine
Famine, Swine Flu, Global warming, CFCs, global war,
And there’s still killings in the Middle East
we don’t even see,
We’re like the people in Korea, being deceived
The real world’s hiding behind a screen of fear
Immediate media means that we’re free to believe
anything that we see or read in Wikipedia
we’re in a different league to those a decade ago
though it was only yesterday – no?
The twelfth of May 2008
A hell of a day; a powerful mountainous quake
killed thousands and razed the surroundings
down in its wake, how can we take it?
Tell me it’s fate ’cause I’m doubting my faith
But hope takes more than a foul thing to break
Trust, look around and there’s faces counting on change
Does it sound very strange right now that there’s slaves
that are labouring eighteen hours a day?
We can help them to break out when we say
“Down with the pain,” now we’ve found ourselves again
Everything’s going to be alright now
And not since the nineteen forties
have we seen this much economic recession;
have we seen this much aggression
But we’re still going strong, still holding on tight
We’re going to be alright
HEY-- YET I keep my poem and love it.
Is it my way to turn my face away from such evidence…?
I am the rabbit from Alice and Wonderland...
I'm late, I'm late, oh the time!!!
But so glad I stopped by :)
I read you amazing poem and then the comments...and your comment - I feel what you said ....so much crisis's...so much pain...so much tension in the world....in the earth...in my soul...and yet....we're gonna be alright. Your passion...your heart says it right on....Stay strong ok...Sarah
Sometimes it takes a crisis of the soul to learn how to love... how to be strong. I used to cringe from such crises... but I have learned to embrace them... as dark and dank as they may be.
And I am such a fan of Monet... and think his work is about so much more than what is on the surface. He is a painter of the soul... as you are a poet of the soul... Sweet Dulce.
De la crisis siempre termina saliendo algo bueno...
Muchos besos.
Let me also say this as others before me: I also like Monet and reading this piece with a Monet for picture was indeed a lovely combination.
Crises always brings the best within us. It seems wonderful to think about it after it has passed but while amidst it, it's hell.
Joy and love to you dear Dulce.
Smiles and hugs,
Without the crisis we don't learn, do we? El dolor no lleva donde tenemos que ir. Que sabiduría tienes, primita.
Abrazos, Ily
It is the crisis that can change us and allow us to grow and bloom, however it can also be the thing that keeps us stuck and repeating the same old thing...another crisis until we learn to welcome it and transform it.
Lovely as always!! Love the design of your blog too. I gotta change mine up! Hope you are enjoying your Summer.
more often than not the crises I perceive is one I have created in my soul...
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