
Thursday, April 21


While you gape
You try to heed
And as they are not shining on you today
You moan
And so you say,
It’s the moon to blame
Hiding behind grey clouds
Which no wind can dissipate
So as to heal this howling
    soul of the night…
Again, you condemn, disapprove, blame,
It’s the sun’s fault
For not beaming enough
So as to spread away clouds
Which by now
 Should have faded away
And with it my grieving...

Again as you heed and gape
You realize you are to blame
For moaning with no right
Feeling pain and shame
Where there is no real whine

So you say,
You fool Ms Malcontent
Of course-
     they won’t shine on me
___________________________________________________________Written for Imperfect Prose

(Theoretical) DespairCanvas Print by gnolan


JStar said...

Things dont get better until we can take ownership of out mistakes...

Shadow said...

my nanny once said to me that god is in heaven because the line outside his home would be too long with people with complaints, for when it's summer, we want winter, when it's winter we want summer... no pleasing us, is there?!?!

steveroni said...

Good moaning to you, Dulce--grinning!

Brian Miller said...

perhaps in the humbling they will shine on you once more...

aguja said...

A brilliant poem, together with such an apt illustration! Congratulations Dulce!

Andrew said...

This is such a poetic summary of the interior dialogue that is my experience much of the time.

Thank you so much Dulce! You are such a gift to me.


neat piece! familiar to us all, i would think! ;)

R. Burnett Baker said...

If only I could be as thoughtful when I'm feeling thoughtless. You yank yourself back to reality very nicely here!!


RNSANE said...

I so love to put the blame elsewhere!!

Laura said...

deep wisdom here!! Thanks for your comments on my is hard letting go..but all is as it should be:-)

Nikki (Sarah) said...

ouch...this hurts....great are an amazing go straight to the emotions. They say when you feel, heal....☺ Hope your weekendn is amazing. ☺☺

Margie said...

Ah, very good poem and I loved your ending!
How we all can relate at one time or another!
Thanks for your visit and kind words!

Margie x

Paul C said...

You explore deep emotion here. Can moaning be cleansing also?

A Plain Observer said...

why do we always want to find a reason to blame the way we feel? sometimes we just feel.

Scarlet said...

beautifully written ~

Anthony Duce said...


Dulçe ♥ said...

Oh´- thanks so much for your comments, my dear friends. Why, I must admit this is not a piece Am proud of... Somehow, it's an old story am a bit sick of (and off)...

Hugs to everyone, have a happy Easter Friday, and hope you like the newer one better... as I do!


Mommy Emily said...

dulce, i love this. i am so guilty of it too, this moaning and then realizing, of course my world looks grey--it's how i'm choosing to see it! i hope you'll keep linking with imperfect prose. happy easter! e.