Just formulas
With a few of those secrets
Ingredients of existence
Add more or less sugar,
Or none at all.
How cold will depend on how hot.
Just formulas.
I am given
Flighty challenges,
Sweet beats,
Bitter bits.
The use I make of them
Is the lemonade of life.
Only water would mean…
Rather numb....
I am given
Which might taste sweet
Or sour,
Might be ripe
Or green.
Wouldn’t have got this far
Had it been
Of cake a piece.
Laugh and weep.
So often both
Same time,
Same whine.
I’d rather love
Or loathe
Than be numb....
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Image adapted fromDeviantart
damn right!!! how can be know happiness if we've never felt the sadness...
Thanks for the corrections SS!
And thanks for the comment SHADOW!
I love that piece, Dulce...such a pleasant sing song rhythm...and happy imagery!
I do like the beat and rhythm to this one as well. Clever metaphors for life and so much truth to it. Great little poem, Dulce!
HA HA...yes, we either love, or hate... if neither, is limbo, nothingness, your word: numbness!
But with enthusiasm! For without that, even love and hate are neither here nor there.
Love your "short one" today, and OH! about lemons, Linda HERE
posted about lemons today.
Dulce, you keep churning out these little master-works, and giving pleasure to lots of Peeps! Thank you. Love YOU!
absolutely, dulce, absolutely!!! couldn't have said it better myself! i'm a lemon girl myself!
Forgot: I did not even comment on your post. Dulce, when you find that perfect mix of ingredients, that exquisite simple formula for living--
PLEASE share it with me/us.
THEN all what need concern us, is the hot and the cold of it--grin!
amen i would rather weep then be numb!! excellent
yes, a little bit of tart makes the sweet, sweeter...
I’d rather love :)
Un abrazo querida amiga
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 333
MMmnn...this makes me want some lemonade :)
You have a beautiful blog here. I went through most of my life "numb" to feelings. I agree that the sadness I feel now is worth it to feel the joy as well!
such beautiful writing is yours~
I am given
Which might taste sweet
Or sour,
Might be ripe
Or green.
Wouldn’t have got this far
Had it been
Of cake a piece.
i too, have been given great green lemons upon which i was told to suck, for them i am the woman i am today...had it been cake, i would be a cow, content and fat, unquestionably less of whom i am, no matter the weight i might throw around...xx
oh, i so agree with you...anything rather than numb!! dulce, what beautiful poetry has flowed from a heart that has to be purest gold, and i sense there has been a refiner's fire a time or two? you couldn't write like you do had you not suffered...
this is one of your best poems yet, i feel...you really expressed wisdom in a uniquely worded way
Martes, 1 de junio
Por lo que la vida me gave limones
Sólo fórmulas
Con algunos de los secretos
Ingredientes de existencia
Añadir más o menos azúcar,
O ninguno en absoluto.
Cómo frío dependerá de cómo caliente.
Fórmulas justas.
Me señaliza
Desafíos frívolo,
Sweet Late,
Bits de amargos.
El uso que de ellas hacen
Es la cola-loca de la vida.
Sólo agua sería mean…
Más bien insensibilizada....
Me señaliza
Que podría sabor dulce
O agria,
Podría ser madura
O verde.
No han conseguido esto mucho
Si hubiera sido
De pastel de una pieza.
Reír y llorar.
Tan a menudo ambos
Mismo tiempo,
Mismo whine.
Más bien me encantaria
O aborrecer
De ser insensibilizada....
To appreciate the "dulce" we have to know what "agrio" tastes like, I totally agree, primita linda!
A beautiful poem and message! xo
debo decir > terrible esa traducción, cuánto se pierde por sólo apretar un botón... Pero si ese es tu modo de poder acercarte a entender lo que más o menos quiero decir, relativamente... vale.No problem!
Pero no es necesario que lo expongas en tu comentario... simplemente quédatelo pa' ti chacho!
Gracias vecino por visitarme
un abrazo aruquense ;)
Thanks a lot for coming by and for such sweet comments on this bitter- sweet attempt to make of my life something as simple as a lemonade... :)
Me hiciste recordar algo que no me acuerdo bien : si la vida te da limones...no se como seguía pero Hoy por hoy me haría una caipirinha, pero creo que se hace con lima.......
Tal vez hay que pasar por la lima y el limón para saber de lo dulce.
El poema bellísimo!! como siempre.
Yes, Dulce, formulas and recipes and trying and experimenting and loving and loving more. We keep going even when sour lemonade is all we've got!
hugs and love~ xxoo
Sorry, I'm afraid I'm late!
Love these letters, Dulce.
You have reminded me that:
If life gives you oranges, enjoy its taste.
If life gives you bitter lemons...¡lemonade! (and enjoy it anyway, with a little bit of SWEET honey).
See u, my Sweetest Queen.
Toni (YFFP)
La vida es así, pasa entre risa y llanto, y los llantos son más largos...
Hay una amiga mía que dice:
Si del cielo te caen limones, haz limonada
Muchos besos.
Lemons are great - they embody laughter and weeping - love and the opposite of love. Bitter and at the same time sour
the perfect poet award reminder,
thank you for the attention!
The bitter with the sweet Dulce..
You have a way with words girl..
Do you have a way with 55 words?
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