Sweet friends of mine
The sound /ai/
So fine
I findTo make words rhyme
Lots of light
It inspires
Me and I fly
As I write
You feel more alive
It strikes
Your likes and dislikes
I might
Full of pride,
When I met this guy
Named Mike
Who came to invite
Me- myself -I
To get on his bike
And ride
Up to the sky
It was paradise
Where no fright
No fights
No lies
Not even time...
Just he, Mike
And I
What a guide
His eyes
So wide
And wild.
A surprise.
How nice
To arrive at such site
That night
Moon so bright
Together we smiled
We could shine!
We were in and outside
Not left, rather right
Not a place to cry
Or hide
Or disguise
Or change our minds...
So easy to decide
And enjoy life
As if blind
Yet, full of insight.
Now, I sigh
How wise
Wonder why...
Must decide
It’s high time
To say ‘ good bye...’
For a while.
I really liked the quick and fluid rhythm of this poem, the meter is wonderful :)
as always such a treat to stop by and read your beautiful work
This is nice, Dulce, and you mentioned the bike, which I must admit admit, I can't remember what color my bike is! I'm ashamed of that, I'll find it this afternoon after work, and fly down the road on it, like you want to do!
A man seems blind, but can see everything very bright and net. Perhaps it's an experience reason for him.I read pationly this good poem with a great pleasure.
I love the lilting rhythm of this! Wonderfully written and a joy to read!
I am in awe of your words...Your rythm and your style...
Oh, this little poem brought me a bright smile:)
Loved it Dulce.
Just to let you know I shall be away from blogging for a month or so.
Will miss my visits here.
Till I return keep on with the wonderful writing.
Be well!
Be happy!
Margie :)
Ay!, my God!, you make me fly!:P I´m telling you right, Im not shy;)
thank you for the smile dear Dulce!
This put a smile on my face my friend. Very well done :)
¡Extrañaba tanto tus versos...! Es un placer volver a leerte.
I can fly...
You must fly!! forever and ever!
To have your skill, wit,and poetic abilities..this is amazing and so sweet in it's flow and meter...thank you as always for your spirit and your words...poetess!
Que bonito amor, en el que todo va bien. Pero...No siempre es todo fácil. El amor no es un camino llano...
Pero siempre es un sentimiento bello que mueve todos los sentidos.
Muchos besos.
Sam is correct on all counts. everything happens here in perfect sequence and rhythm. fun fun to read. ~rick
This was so much fun - a quick jaunt, a lovely rendevous, then farewell. You amaze me, always.
Well, I have a scooter, and when I'm riding I feel a certain "high". And it is amazing how a ride at about--a good rate of speed--mph is SO like being in a small airplane, where you "steer by the seat of your pants".
Dulce, sometimes you crack me up with your (very seldom) fun-type poetry. I think you had fun with this one.
Likely it is easier to write a deeply moving poem from the heart, than a whimsical "rhyme-with 'I'"
piece for us. Thanks for the change of pace!
Good!! good!! HI:)
I Like The Sound Of That.
It's not a great thing I think.... but I had fun writing it...
Just to show you it's not all about love and sadness and stuff... yest LOVE is always there... YES Steveroni- you are so right Love...live... that sweet connection..
HUGS to you ALL!
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