Temple ruins A web suspended on a branch So long ago weaved A mantle of generation leaves Won’t let me see As I step on them What lies beneath
And I sense Someone was here before me Also bereaved.
The chirping Which a moment ago Was here with me Has suddenly ceased
Let it be The way it is.
Not here to play hide and seek, But somehow I feel Somebody else is here Beside me…
As if in a treasure hunt For something I must find Despite this scenery
It’s then that the light shines Coming down Through the thick trees And the warmth it brings Allows that piece of peace Get into my inner intensive... ...Originality.
_____________________________________________ Mermaid Sketch by Lordorlando (Deviantart )
For you Like the leader Of those strange creatures Of the night In a full moon.
In other words: Your witch.
I love to Have cast this spell On you- Not on purpose
Is it possible That the more one’s loved by another The freer one feels?
I dance in words.
Can you write a story in exactly 55 words? Flash Fiction Friday (55) is hosted by G-Man. Visist him and let him know! He's Mr Knowitall! ...................................................................................................................................................................
… It’s then that she realizes and refuses to admit that she is envious of the taller ones.
… She hides in her perfect place wearing the fitting mask literally dressed to kill.
… No need to wear high heels From where she is Can perfectly see.
… Mrs Tyrant devotes herself to sensing where the evil goes so as to be there in the interwar
… it’s then that she does not realize and refuses to accept that all the others, taller than her, can see her eyes gleam with contempt despising that welfare in them she could not prevent
… Mrs Malcontent Her hair never messed up By winds or fires From whichever side Or crossed wires
… She’ll never realize Instead, she’ll refuse to admit And keep on wearing the mask that fits
…. Meanwhile, the taller ones Refuse to believe Find it really hard to admit And though we can see her tricks We insist No matter how much evidence We have of all this We keep wondering What pleasure does she find And still survive
In being so wicked So stiff, so mean? ________________________________________________________Devianart Image