
Sunday, July 18

My Friend…

These thoughts of mine

Crying for expression

Getting them out

And into my head, again.

I long for that perpetual

Quietness of the heart

For having no trouble

Never be fretted or vexed

Or irritated.

Or dare wonder to nothing

Which is done to me

Or feel nothing against my person

Need to be at rest…

When nobody praises me

Or even

When blamed or despised

By those walking lost souls…

So I forgive and let go…

Nearer now I find

That blessed home in myself

Where I can shut the door

And be in secret

At peace

As in a deep sea of calmness

Letting be this

My eternal truth

My friend…


Adapted from words written in a plaque kept on Dr Bob's desk... Author unknown.


Brian Miller said...

there is something to be said of that quiet place...though a lot in finding it...what would poets be without those feelings though...hmm...

steveroni said...

Dulceeeeee! Such beautiful, meaningful thoughts here. Soulful! You are SERIOUS here. No whimsy, no fancy stuff, just the REAL THING.

I would wish these very thoughts "crying for expression" to reach everyone I know. May I link this page on my post today? (Not waiting for answer...)

You are really "getting it" girl, on the roan to serenity, peace.
Blessings, and love.

Marcia M said...

Love the way you end this piece. Lovely! Pure, beautiful.

Vicki Johnson said...

I am so happy that you shared this today. I feel such a soft peace reading it.

aguja said...

What an evocative poem!. It remnided me of some of Emily Dickinson's work and her reclusive life.

Nevine Sultan said...

Dulce, as selfish as this may sound, I have always believed that I am my own truest friend. When we enter that silent place... and rest in peace by ourselves... we hear the voice of who we truly are. And sometimes it is hard to forgive and let go, but maybe just letting go is the best medicine. No one will make you happy to the extent that you desire... it seems. And how we all wish for "no trouble", but somehow it likes to seek us out and it takes delight in playing games with us.

Whatever the case may be, love yourself... and keep yourself happy... and let your eternal truth always be inside of you.

Hugs, my Sweet.


Anonymous said...

Dulce not stop to amaze me every day, and I like that. I love the skill with which you use words, not everyone has that incredible ability and you must seize it, because it's a gift.

I loved this piece, especially the final stages. Surely, you progress each day in your writing, I'm quite sure that you get to publish a poems book in the future, of course, I'll buy it and I kindly ask you to write a dedication and signed by you.

A big hug from your good friend, I hope to see you soon.

Carla Bruni


oh, lady dulce! how wonderful these words and how pure in their truth and beauty - and words of wisdom for us all! finding our own best friend always within! great piece!! love it! and thanks so much for your always kind words at my place - have a fabulous day!

25champ said...

This poems just creates peace. I loved it. Thanks 4 sharing :)

JStar said...

I know this place all too well Dulce!

Superfluous Brunette said...


As always...beautiful and soulful. Isn't it wondrous to find that place inside of us that is at peace? It is always there, it is us that just seems to forget that or lose our way. Letting go is certainly a path to finding that place. I am working on it :)
