As sweet as this rain can be
And so my poetry
As sweet as I tend to be
Time will not forgive
That time I insist
Must not leave me
Not now that I see
This rain is falling
Time I need to get used
To this new body
That time I require
To gain time
Others might let it be
Maybe they are whiling away their time
Or ignoring what to do with it
Or it’s time out
Or they take that spare time to think
Time will tell
But as far as I am concerned
Since immemorial time
Time is money
And there’s no time to lose
For time presses me on
I need time to open the door
Visit the room
Where I’ll find no key
To open the door of time
I need this time to think
How nice this fall is
And the rain it brings
Time to die a little
Time to be born again
Time to set time
Time to find out
Why I am sad today
Joyful yesterday
Wasting tomorrow’s time
I need time
Without time.
Taking part in One Shot Wednesday
there is a time for everything and the more we try to hold on the faster it seems to run through our fingers...
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
(Say, that would make a good intro to a TV show or something!)
A little time outside time would certainly be good and a little time to dance.
My truck is receiving 'medical' care. Mechanic just informed me it will TAKE MORE TIME! I do not HAVE more time.
Have to read this post slowly...grin!_
Steve E
I loved this piece!!!
What a profound and eloquent poem!
You've got me with this one, Dulce.
...the clock talked loud; I threw it away, it scared me what it talked.
Betty :)
time to die a little - time to be born again - esp. love this line
there are also times i would like to stop time and enjoy the moment - but as this is not possible, i try to ride time's waves as good as i can..nice poem dulce..enjoyed the read
Nice reflective piece on time.
Unless we live in the present, we are constantly whining: ARE WE THERE YET?
I love reading your poetry!
TIME....Oh, what would we do if only we had more of it!
At the moment, I'm not finding much to write my own poetry, but I have just been posting some of my favourite poems.
Oh well.....!
So many reflections through which you express being in time... Time in present, though not always gift wrapped with bow. So many pressures and constraints, and sweetest to behold those times to relax and think :)
Not to be playing with words, here, Dulce... but... every word in your poem is TIMELESS... ETERNAL. I once heard a line in a movie... when I was a child... a movie I loved... and this was the line: Nothing in the world can conquer time. And I have never forgotten this line. Yes, it's true. But, at least, we can try to trick time if we can't hope to conquer it.
Your words brought memories... and new hopes for tomorrow.
Warm hugs, my dear.
To everything there is a time and season... and you've centered the pieces, balanced them and constructed a delicate windchime of words that resound long after the closing sentence.
All the clever lines that occurred to me have been said. I like best what Titanium said about balance and windchimes as though they were measuring time by season and voices and hours. Beautiful poem. Thanks, Gay @beachanny
It be wonderful if we could stop time but still get things done. Loved this.
I like the back and forth nature of the dealings with time:
Time to find out
Why I am sad today
Joyful yesterday
I feel like my days on this earth are numbered!!! Time is a commodity that is growing ever in short supply. I'm on the downhill side of my life and I would like to halt things a bit ( and find a new hob so I can enjoy the next 20 years a bit more ). Your lament is certainly one many of us make but not so eloguently.
So much truth in this one Dulce...time waits not....i can truly relate to these beautiful words. :-)
it must have been the right time to write about time. It is the third post about time I see, including mine, hey great minds think alike ;)
This is very good, of course… As less time is left I am finding less important. It’s a race that can’t be won. Don’t let thoughts of time get in the way of doing.
Time truly does become the focus of our lives many times. Very well done.
Time,... the ultimate,... never to be harnessed... "Now" is what we really have.
Beautifully written!!
I always have time to read wonderful poetry!
(just not as much time lately... but I will be getting back into it. I recently moved residence to a new home with a friend of mine and am settling in still, so I don't have much time to write or to read, but still I find it or make it. Like tonight, sitting awake with insomnia... glad to have some company like your poems and those of others as well.)
This is beautiful Dulce! We waste so much precious time without realizing its gone...
Time is precious. Captured so well in your poem.
Time....fascinatingly written...enjoyed the way "time" ia woven in and out of moments...very well done =)) April
I think we all need a little time to get away from the constraints of time. Sometimes we are in a bardo and the best thing to do is sit and wait. A time to allow things "to die" so that they may be born anew.
Happy Fall!
WOW Dulce! this poem is great! i felt like you gave me a reality check!! In each stanza i there is truths which we can all take away and apply it to our mindset, Fantastic!
Time...so many thoughts here...but something I keep thinking...I never wanted to take the time...to wait things out...to trust that in time..things would heal...and change and it did...and it does. You're words...your heartsong touches a cord where I livetoo ☺...
Invite you to try the prompts at Writer's Island...
Yes, I can relate to this sweet eloquent poem, for time is slipping through my fingers and I am lingering and not doing my research paper, as I try and hold back time ..
Your poem is -- simplicity, and eloquence, utterly charming piece of writing,
Warm hugs to you,
Time has come today,
Can't put it off another day..
Words from as song that came to mind from when I was to young to understand what it really meant,
Time keeps flowing like a river... (Alan Parson Project)
Time won't give me time... (Boy George)
Your awakening poem spun so many wonderful songs in my head..
Sweet piece as always...
This is a great piece, Time marches on... Love and Light, Sender
Time...I am always wanting things yesterday..so eager to have things happen already. I think it's b/c I missed out so much...now I want everything right away before I can't have it...but life doesn't work that way....time...necessary...Have a great week out there Dulce.
Time to die...
Time to hope for tomorrow
what a beautiful piece with a tear or two infused
Love from the Moon
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