Calendar of days untold
Unaffected , unknown

Books on a desk unread
Unfolded, untouched
Trees full of birds that chirp
Unheard, unconsciously unloved
See a floor full of toys
Untidy, unseen, unplayed
Framed pics of people
I’ve never met
Haven’t yet observed
Dreams whose meanings
Remain in misfortune
Misunderstood, unforgotten
Sunrays which escaped me
Warmed me, warned me
And behind left me
Directions to three ways
Unachieved, unlived, unborn.
Fish swimming in low tides.
© Dulce..................................................................................................................................Deviantart Image
you always have such wonderful words and photos, you make my mind work, my heart fill with love, my eyes wander, observe, my lips smile ( sometimes mositen ) lol
This makes me look deep ,yearning to know and to be known, to leave nothing unread, untouched, welcome the unxpected
SIGH this is such a wonderful write..
* thanks for your lovely comments. Have a great DAY. HUGS
This feels like a succession of Haiku. Nice rhythm.
Blast from the Past
That's all... Signs of an unfulfilled life. No! It can't be!
deep and lasting friends have been added here, that much will remain... unchanging ...
I loved it all!!! every beautiful line spoke to me ...
exceptionally well done dear Dulce!
I'm curious about the framed pics of people you never met
Are you back, dear Dulce? Hooray!
I really love the pictures and poetry quotes at the top of your sidebar!
The shallow water isn't all bad. There is plenty of light that comes through, and people whose legs you can swim around. ;-)
"Constructive Critique" of my own attempts at poetic interpretation:
Always I have tried to find the "meaning" of your (and others') poetry.
This evening I have come to a realization that Poetry, as music, painting, dance, architecture, and other art forms, is created twice. The writer and the reader together are co-creators.
What is the experience, or where would be the fun, the pleasure, the spirituality, of a work of art, unless I take part in the author's effort?
What I'm talking about is really material for a blog--I'll do that tonight.
Dulce, I love your work, and now I understand what I before did not. Thank you, love!
My dear friends Dulce,
I believe that I have told you before that your poems have a special taste...and yes, the images are the other half that complete the bueaty...keep writing and i'll keep reading! All the best to you my dear friend! Hugs
A poem filled with images.
Created and then uncreated.
Given and taken away.
Sense and nonsense
Well done
What a lovely poem! I love the pictures you put with your poems. They're inspiring!
Beautifully written, as always Dulce.
Very captivating and descriptive.
this is really one to think about. about the things we are missing, what we have and don't appreciate, what we do but don't enjoy yet should...
I sense this has not been understood... but poetry is just words flowing and they do make sense beieve it!...somehow, in this head of mine!
THANKS a lot all of you my sweet friends for your lovely comments!
Even in misunderstanding we are essentially understood...make sense? ;)...
love the alliteration in this one!
Happy day~
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