Time has stopped
Is this supposed to be the end?
That's it again..
ANY way is a good way to hide
As any other
Is this supposed to be the end?
Is this your way to say good bye?
Plain choice
Time has stopped...
This is not the end...
There never was an end,
There never is an end,
There can never be an end.
Some things are just
Like a smile,
A touch,
An embrace,
A kiss,
This sweetness
Conveyed in a pure and loving thought.
The light in your eyes says "yes"...
Just remove the first "e".
You see?
How long
Have you been longing
For a good reason to say
'It's over
Let's quit'
Any reason
Whatever reason
Would be...
A good reason to you?
Again damn it,
How disappointing
Your lack of trust
On this sweet heart
Do not worry
I understand
This you no more
Could stand!
I am at peace
If that pleases you
I'll be not
If it does not
At all.
The end?
What are you talking about?
This is the beginning
The beginning
Of a love which until now
For me was unknown.
When you cry
I try to hold back my tears,
Because you see,
Being one with you,
I do what you do.
You would like
A table in that restaurant
Overlooking the sea.
All fine there,
But you know?
The sea
I could not see,
Because my eyes
Are looking at nothing else
No one else
But you,
My dear
My sweet.
Oh- you are
So beautiful…
Oh the heights and feelings to which love takes us, being totally lost in somebody else, allowing yourself to forget everything, truly magical. Some things last forever, even though they may only be brief, it is the beauty of Beauty.
This is a magnificent, passionate poem, Dulce.
i started to read saying : oh no !! oh no ! this is just the beguining !!
i am so pleased that the poem turned this way !! hahah!!
i love this .. so true , this kind of monent is so present sometimes , some fases !
thank you for this poem mia cara Dulcissima !!
i was out of internet ( and the city ) last week , so i believe i have lost lots of your posts . i am going to check it out now .
hugs !
Ah! what a nice feeling this wonderful piece leaves me with.
Beautiful indeed my sweetest Dulce!
Still feeling nice . . .
Joy and beauty always for you,
truly a poem that runs the gamut of love and desire... in ADD fashion! :)
BTW, your added to my blogger roll. how could i have been so negligent?!
if only real life could mirror your words. What then?
Dulce, what beauty you share, here. You speak about love like no one else can... this I tell you quite honestly. The emotion is raw, but the words are delicate, and true. Spoken, felt, written, like only you can do it. I so love when you write about love... and beyond that, what can I say?
Love and hugs,
As your first word in your poem:
B E A U T I F U L !!
Thank you, my Sweetest Teacher!
This is so reassuring Dulce...Oh your words speak to my soul :)
wondrous questions!
very powerful poem!
Hey there, Dulce, this reads to me like a dichotomy between two forces, two thoughts, which finished together in a "beautiful" resolution.
Thank you for the happy end...or is that the beginning?
Take care. love ya.
beautifully said...
lovers can have this unknown, yes, no, maybe, try again, its over, and again. I know this dance well and the rhythm of your poetry tells this tale well.
Oh my goodness. This went straight to my heart. Your words are like oxygen...we need to breathe it in...it keeps us alive. Thank you Dulce for this today. xoxo
Thank you for taking the time to read my mental issues :)
Some things are just
Like a smile,
A touch,
An embrace,
A kiss,
This sweetness
Conveyed in a pure and loving thought.
The light in your eyes says "yes"...
Just remove the first "e".
You see?
Good! that is so sweet.
And... it is soo funny haha because that phrase just was a "coincidence" that I read it at this precise moment! it just brought a "moment" to a beloved one and me! so thanks
Many of your poems make me wonder about your life. If you feel that way about someone - that's part of the mystery with your writing. I wish I felt that depth of emotion for my partner.
that was very beautiful indeed. sometimes fear makes us incapable of thinking the right way, so we so easily let go go what's in our hands to wriggle it. All we need is time and certitude.
No doubt: only a beautiful soul like yours can write such beautiful words;)
About my videos... ahhh... it´s just a secret:P
Ufff! Quem me dera ter essa fé neste momento em que tudo na minha vida parece ter uma data marcada para terminar. Linda luz que ilumina os teus dias. Obrigado. Beijos.
you have such a beautiful writing talent, putting into words the sensual ebb and flow of relationships, dulce. this was wonderful!
Oh. I am so happy to have been able to come visit. I am trying to visit everyone today and a bit tomorrow.
This my dearest twin girl, this is so lovely. It has a special quality to it, hard to put into words. It is pure...
I adore it! Miss you!
hugs~ xxoo
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