Now is today...
I am no longer an enemy
To all I’ve met.
In fact, I liked you first,
Then found you later
I loved you.
And that love had flowered
From seedling to petals dark red
Emitting that aroma of loveliness...
And the love in my heart blossomed
As it was watered
By those sweet words of yours
And I loved you more and more
With each day of living.
Completely smitten,
By your charms,
Your wit,
Your just listening to me.
I rant and rave about everything
Or nothing...
There are so many wishes
For us in my soul…
I cannot see us
Leaving one another
Parting in death
Or any other way
Until we at least-
At last
Meet one in the other
As all the others
As it it’s supposed to be…
And hold onto each other
For life
For dear
Dear life
And for love
For dear
Dear love….
The final stanza is achingly emotive. The passion and longing of love can consume us all, and its heart is beating within your poem. Simply wonderful.
Awww Dulce...
This was so sweet, I guess that this couldn't have been said in 55 words eh?
Sweeter Poet, "love" is but one letter away from "live". and I believe you do both with great passion.
You know, love is my favorite word. It is the first cause of everything.
And I love what you wrote, Dulce.
Take Care...
Florida Peep
as always a treat to stop by and read your wonderful work
ummm... 'fasten your seat belts' :)
love this dulce, ah the passion of love...
much love
Aroma of loveliness, you should bottle that. I would buy it!
That is so pretty, Dulce, you've given me an urge to pick wildflowers this afternoon!
How sweet your lovely comments on this tiring-yet welcome Friday.
Hugs-- my dear friends!
:) :)
Hola, Dulce:
Gracias por visitar mi blog, puedes volver siempre que quieras, yo también lo haré.
El amor es fuente de inspiración, y un sentimiento profundo y que da mucha vida.
Un beso.
i easily get lost in your words...every time i come by...
Dulce, everything you write comes straight from the depths of your heart and soul - that's clear! And as I read your poetry, I feel your words, almost as deeply.
Simply beautiful, dear sweet soul!
Often people fear to love so much, but I am learning that love is so much powerful than fear.
As Steve said, you do seem to live and love with passion.
Un derroche de amor en letras.
Beautiful and fantastic words !! Very touching and true !! Great post !!
Who doesn't want a love that grows like that, deep, sweet and passionate? Beautiful poem, amiguita!
Que siempre tengas un amor vivo y romantico. Siempre. xo
sa-weeeeet dulce!
Precioso amiga mía. Sencillamente bello.
Un fuerte abrazo!!
Oh! Dulce, I'm in love with this
loving poem. You simply spill
you heart.
love is powerful & overflowing here in this poem!
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