A strong storm was announced
But I only got to see the rainbow
And that dog seemed to be barking at it
As if trying to change its colours
But they see in black and white, so...
Been said to turn the page
And stop the fight
Did not get my quest
Maybe it was not the time yet
But that would be again I have to wait
And I’ve done so for too many years
And swallowed so many tears
Because now it’s no time to cry or die
Or get desperate, try better
But I’ve tried my best, bloody hell
So what’s next again, start a new game?
Fed up, disappointed, rejected
Ideas refused, left behind, misunderstood
Been said to write more joyful stuff...
Sorry I cannot do that
It’s not fun to do that
But I got to see a rainbow
But where is the rain?
I showed it to him and he made a wish
But it had nothing to do with me
I got to see the rainbow
And cauliflower clouds
The sun setting
But no rain...
____________________________________________________________________________________Image ‘Alone’, by Seraphic Tragedy
it is good to write from the heart
sad or happy
to be with what is~
a rainbow is always lovely
Very Pretty poem, Dulce, it plays like a song!
A poem of the soul and of pure emotion. It is a horrible feeling to not be understood by anybody, sometimes you just want to scream out to the world.
Cauliflower clouds and a black and white dogs rainbow. Lovely images for me to enjoy. Thank you as always x
Pues habrá que crearlas en la imaginación...
Siempre profundas y preciosas las poesías.
Muchos besos.
I love rainbows and cauliflower clouds!
and what your write!
Mi Dulce amiga... tus versos tienen el poder de trasladarme a mundos mejores.
Besos mil!!!
Dulce, this is a bit of a departure for you. Your words are profound and pained and aching to be heard. And you know? I once had one of my readers dare to tell me that I should try and write some happier stuff sometimes because she needs that. Well, don't we all? But since when does happy make a story, right? I'm loving the sound of your voice, here. It's filled with truth, sad as it may be.
Love you, Sweetest!
sometimes - we have to make our rain from rainbows, as you have done with this poem.
the very pain has created a shower of emotive beauty.
"And that dog seemed to be barking at it
As if trying to change its colours"
this part is briliant .
even so is far to be my favorite of this poem .
thank you for your beauty , Dulcissima !!!
All days - and all poems - cannot be happy and filled with love...sometimes rain must fall or there must be clouds and lighning and thunder - and rainbows. Whatever the weather in your life, your words are beautifully spoken and convey so much, Dulce!
I loved the hope at the first stanza, repeated again in the last one. What's in between, I can totally relate!
such truthful emotions... may you get to see, to feel, what you desire...
True emotions.. So beautiful.. Thank you, Dulce..
Your rain hasnt come yet, because its not time for your cleansing. You have some more stuff to endure first, eventho thats not positive....Hey, write from your heart...Whatever your heart is feeling...You dont write for others anyways...Your writing for you and your soul :) I am honored that you are sharing with me :)
This is totally written from your heart... I admire that courage.
Sometimes... a new game is just what we need until we figure out what to do next.
At least you saw a rainbow.
I can totally relate to how you feel. Just be well. Take it easy, love. Have you a great week.
i loved this poem - so powerful and deep. Thjank you!
very powerfully written...my heart could have said this...Stay strong Dulce...and safe. I've learned...the sun always comes up again. don't even know how that happens...but it does. Sarah
Hola, Dulce:
¿Sabes que yo estoy viendo la lluvia? por aquí hoy está lloviendo, parece como si la primavera se hubiera esfumado.
Me gustaría ver el arco iris, pero no puede ser, está muy oscuro, tendré que imaginarlo en mi mente, también está bien ser imaginativos y ver desde nuestro interior un arco iris de colores.
Me encantó tu texto.
Un beso grande, Dulce.
rain is a lovely metaphor for tears...
what good is a rainbow if we can't suffer the rain? the cleansing, purge, rebirth. There should never be a rainbow without rain. I love how you demand to know in your writing. you never ask or plead. You demand, and do it so well. ~rick
We have to be true to ourselves when we write - otherwise it comes off false. Your writing is NEVER FALSE! It's obvious that it comes straight from your heart and your very essence. That's why it's SO GOOD!
If only there were a new game...I'd play. ;)
Sad but honest. We've all been let down in the game of life. Desgraciadamente.
Abrazos...tu primita
Very deep and real. Pure heart in this one.
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