One morning
Twelve years later
She gets up
And sits at the edge of that comfortable bed
They once bought together.
When they still thought they were together
When one was both
And both were one.
And she wonders
Who that stranger is
Good looking he is, but
Where is all that gone?
And she’d like to have the courage to tell him:
I don’t see you attractive
Yet, we share the same bed
I don’t feel like kissing you….
When I make the effort
I don’t think
I think about you.
I’ve lost the reason
The inspiration
In how to keep this
That keeps us together
I am not worried
About your worries
You don’t see my tears any more
If you did
‘What is it now?’
I don’t find you attractive
I do not even respect
Or admire the one you once were
Neither do you.
Why do you stay?
There is even nothing to be discussed
Or at least argued about
Then, why do you stay?
If I wrote down the two lists
The weight of the bad points
Would launch the good ones away
So far in the forgetting box
Where neither of us would find them.
I don’t consider you interesting...
I am sure you’ve been unfaithful
Yet, I don’t care
Neither do I need any details
I’d rather not know about it.
I can’t see you‘re attractive...
Why do I stay?
Why do you?
You can’t see any kind of beauty in me either
And if I asked you why you are staying
Your answer would have nothing to do with me
Or us
Or the reasons why we once decided
To share this comfortable bed.
Who are we sleeping with?
Could you tell me,
Why do we stay?
Now that she has stopped blaming herself
Perhaps she can say...
:( this made me so sad.
Well written but still, I feel bad for anyone that looks to their side and wonders where "they" are.
After 20 years later relationships obsolete..what a pitty.Whereas the former on their hand.Monotony can
change by with a little effort.It must not to be too difficullt.Thanks
for this wonderful poem.
Esto sucede muy a menudo...Y es triste. Es triste porque uno puede vivir ilusiones hasta el último día. Y así se deja de vivir.
Queda un cariño, pero ese cariño se podría conservar estando separados y libres...
Muchos besos.
this is so raw , direct and sincere !!
oh , Dulcissima !! when you want to put feelings out , you do this as a gun .
fantastic poem .
hugs .
Sometimes it's best to be honest with oneself, isn't it? And also with the other? How else can we live life as it's meant to be lived... the real way! Your poem is lovely, Dulce. Simply and truly lovely!
Om my God, people will be staring at each other everywhere when they read this masterpiece! You made something special this time.
This does make me sad...but it's so true for many. You write this beautifully.
When love is gone, can you get it back? Only if the two are willing to go that extra mile....but they both let it slip away, is it worth it anymore? I know these feelings very well...I stayed for only 9 years...When u wake up and looking at them disgusts you...Its time to go...
Очень хорошие, содержательные стихи!!
God! i'm only 15, but i could definately imagine that happening one day...
very well written as always Dulce :-)
realistically beautiful
emotionally sad
well done.
What made her to stop blamimg herself? Counseling? Inspiration? God? Time? The man's consistent demoralizing behaviors over periods of years? Just plain weariness? That exhaustion which comes from living a lie?
Inquiring minds still want to know.
Is this a "cold" crime case? Did they ever find the body? What about statute of Limitations?
Juries in Southern California are known for their leniency in crimes of passion!
OH? Did I get it wrong, you say? Is he still living? Did he send YOU to the next world? And is THAT why you have forgiven yourself?
NOTE: I amd hoping that everyone has commented here now, so that nobody will read my silliness--just felt like a blog-story here, that's all.
Take care!
Ay amores!! Unos mueren sin nacer, a otros los mata el tiempo, otros son eternos.
Muy triste esto Dulce, no creo que haya culpas.
love the idea of "a forgetting box"...and maybe a remembering stone...
I know... Sometimes I take a deep breath-hold and I ask so many whys!
As it seems, my son too...
Tienes un premio en mi blog...
Un beo.
great exploration
sometimes we must explore
before we can choose to change our lives
sometimes the familiar is love
even when there is no spirit of love
your poem makes us feel
and ponder
A sad one Dulce.
When the trust and respect goes I believe the love goes away as well.
Take care dear Dulce!
Margie :) x
Wow that was how I felt, the very reasons why I threw in the towel! Hiaz. :(
Geez, Dulce
This is brutal even beyond your measure of brutal. but how many of us look in the mirror in the morning and ask the same questions before putting on our mask of denial. Was this love ever really love or just a wish to be love? ~rick
That is so sad, but beautiful. What a difficult situation to be in, and the sad thing, it probably happens all too often.
Beautiful writing!
you expressed it this so well. a friend just told me she walked out...left...15 years...Be gentle with you Dulce....Sarah
When love is over, then it´s impossible to get it back and take it over...
Just let it fly! Another one will come!
Flying kisses, ¡muack!
This is heartbreaking and so often true. A very powerful poem, Dulce.
How sad this is, how empty. How well written to make me feel so.
this was a total bummer
but its truth attractive
because i think many of
us have had those questions
to ask as well..
strong share,
Sad how many people can truly relate to this poem. Indifference is worse than hate sometimes.
Beautifully captured, prima. Te felicito. xo
Messy and difficult as it is, sometimes the best thing really is to just cleanly sever a relationship when it gets to this point. But I know, that's so much easier said than done and seldom is anything so black and white.
This is quite sad, but unfortunately happens quite often. I think the feeling of distance comes upon us when it's time to part...
Nice write!!
this was really well written!!i really loved the end part where it gave a whole new perspective to the poem in a way resembling both the sides!!the question thing in a way identifying with her as well!!nicely sewn poem with your beautiful words making for a lovely picture!!sad but true!!keep writing!!
very very interesting and touching.
I am sure these laments are often felt, but not expressed, by many couples. How sad to stay together when all reasons for having a relationship are over. You expressed it all so well. Thank God, I have been happily divorced for over fifteen years!
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