Sweet thoughts
Dance with those waves
As I see
Rather than observe
None is exactly the same
Their movement and sound
Let them
And make them
Nothing much I know
It might be a shame
But I am a sorrow expert now
The more I love
The more I drown
And being less careless
Invites me to dance
With my sweet thoughts
About myself
With or without you
That much
I’ve learnt.
Italic Lines from Iris
Very bittersweet I think but well done my friend.
Good Read! :)
"But I am a sorrow expert now" Dulce, these lines though poetry come from a source that is deeply hurt and sad. I am glad the persona sees the experience as learning. Dulce, I really hope this is not your sweet heart which has led to poetry as this.
Joy and passion always,
Oh lovely. The passion and the sorrow. Perfect.
Anyone who has lived is an intimate friend with sorrow...or else they have not lived--LIFE.
Also expert on JOY. Or else one has not fully lived. Your son is joy for you! Right?
It is maturity which lets us realize that we can live happily without certain Peeps. So many of us never EVER achieve that level of "grown-up"
This is a happy poem, I believe. Because sorrow is always the next learning step. Also, Dulce, you may have found now that happiness is not dependent on another, but comes only from within oneself.
LOOK at steveroni!--preaching again to one who knows so much, the sweeter poet of sweeter poems.
Take Care, Loved one!
Dearest Dulce,
I hope that you are more than a sorrow expert - that sounds so painful for such a loving person.
I would not wish that for you under any circumstances.
Like Deborah...I picked up on "But I'm a sorrow expert now.." and yet Dulce...it goes on hopeful....The ending...it's gonna be ok...you're gonna be ok....Stay strong ok....know that you inspire...
having just returned from some time at the coast, this one rings true - deeply. there is something about the rhythm and endlessness of that space that calls deep into me...
thanks for capturing it here.
"A sorrow expert"...I like that line (as sad as it is). At least, in the end, there is self love and that's more important than anything.
Primita, kiss the World Cup for me on Sunday!! xo
bittersweet and lovely said.
warm smiles dear Dulce,
I KNOW this feeling :)
Nos enseñan mucho las olas, ese constante ir y venir...en ellas se puede ver la vida misma.
Danza con tus bellos pensamientos, no estás sola, el mundo danza contigo.
Buen finde cariño!!
Dulce, when we become experienced with pain, we become pain itself. But that makes us understand and appreciate life and the sweet moments in it all the more. And "with or without you" is oh so true. I have always been a firm believer that no one loves me as much as I love myself. Maybe that is a selfish way to think. But at least it is realistic and truthful...
I hope you are not feeling as down as this beautiful piece suggests. I hope these are merely the thoughts of your mind... always working and thinking.
Take care, Sweetest.
It is easier sometimes to keep one's heart at a distance. But fortunately time has a way of helping to dull painful experiences so that we have a chance to open up again when we are truly ready. When that time comes, we all know.
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