Tell me lady
When you pray
What do you ask for?
You’ve got him
In your very house
But do not see him
He is all around
You deny
Discussions of any kind
Do not want to hear about it
Tell me woman
When you pray
What do you expect?
He is all around
You share the same bed
But you pretend
You are already asleep
You won’t dare touch him
Your most human and sweet
Sincere company
You will not admit
Tell me sweetheart,
When you pray
What do you hide?
Why don’t you look into his eyes?
Something you cannot face
Instead, all you do, pray.
© Dulce
Image> Heaven have Merci (Deviantart)
i've seen this. i know this. makes no sense....
Why even try to hide when He see's all...I really feel this one! Been there...
We pray for a longlasting happiness, for the endlessness of Love. We must cherish the ones by our side, indeed, the ones who we share our lives with everyday. Those are the ones to love, minue by minute. Great poem, sweet as you are.
So filled with the questions that often prick our minds... but also with the answers that are certainties. Lovely, Dulce!
Beautiful words to express this feeling, this need, these questions.
lovely, Dulce~
very well done, beautiful and poignant. lovely work
First of all welcome back dear sweet lady, hope your time was FUN!!!
I feel this one is one filled with secrets, praying maybe for frogiveness of guilt, having one so close and wanting another. I think allot of people can be like this stuck in relationships for whatever reasons, and yearn to be somewhere else
Wonderfully written and many questions, loved it. Missed YOU :}
a friend?
i must be careful not to deceive myself with a prayer...
hugs - good to see you here!
Sweeter Dulce, Hola (?)
Prayer for me is asking God to let me know His Will for me today--also asking for the power to carry it out.
That's about it.
But I think your post is less about praying and more about how to live and to deal with life on life's terms
"No place in the world are more hiding places than in the human heart." ...and we each have one of those.
Love leaks from your heart as you write, Dulce. That's why your words are so effectual. And it is a pleasure to read your heart-thoughts each day.
Thank you.
i pray and ask God for the same things..He will have to answer eventually.
love & hugs
So the beautiful voice returns. Nice to see you back.
You have me breathing deeply...
Such beautiful thoughts you've expressed.
I ask for guidance, but I don't have very much belief in the power of prayer. Prayer & a Creator God seem like a wonderful dream or fantasy; I've had too many fantasies in my life & they were destructive, not helpful. ~Mary
I can relate to this.
Very nice my friend. Some interesting questions to pose thoughts to :)
women are such complex and wonderful creatures...
much love
This is great...so many I know do this...miss what is all around them everywhere instead praying and denying what is already provided...
great poem!
thank you,
i have a permanent place there ...
warm smiles,
Unfortunately, this is so true. It happens in many relationships, where you lose sight of those you need to cherish. You treasure prayers but can't see they've already been answered. Love your interpretation of it!
My problem with poetry is that I have trouble with things that signify something else. I'm never sure what "m reading or what it means. I guess that's okay because there is always some sort of feeling carried.
The Lord helps those who take a big helping for themselves! ;-)
Love this poem. Makes you stop and think. What do we expect? Who do we pray to? Why do we pray? Love it.
i loved this one. why do people forget this esence?
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