Every day you are in my head,
today you’ll be all day
You’ve been talking to me all morning.
And I’ve been listening.
You’ve told me no more no less
what I need to hear
and also things I did not expect,
they were in my head,
you talked them out.
I asked you from now on
what will I call this day?
Happy birthday or birthday anniversary?
Same day as Whitman,
and they say, anniversary.
I’ve been meandering all day,
but you’ve been meandering with me-
I like your company, I miss your presence,
yet you are so present
as any day you’d come by.
And you tell me to look at myself in the mirror
and see behind- much deeper,
beyond my tears,
and find you in myself,
and you tell me to stop being ungrateful
and enjoy all I have which is a lot
and you ask me to stop complaining
for what is not,
and try to accept that this is life,
that it has never been easy and it will not.
And you tell me to grasp the moment,
love myself my body and mind
my imperfect body and mind,
and go deeper into my soul
and revise the lessons
life has taught me all these years,
and that there is no way back but a present,
a now as this lucky moment
that I still can see dad.
And at him smile,
and how lucky we are to feel and see
and hug and hold him,
and flesh and soul…
what difference does it make?
And you tell me to come to me again
and sleep my dream
And dance where I stand,
for there is nothing else
and we can not fight against the storm
but look for shelter and warmth
I tell you hey thank you
and you say it’s alright if I cry
for you understand I’ll never understand
___________________________________________________Image Aproaching Woman On canvas- by Phlog That.