Listen to the voices
Advising you
To keep warm
And aware…
Hear the voices
You are not awake
Don’t fake yourself.
Get on your way
They tease
Your ease
You capture
That chronicle
Subdue to the forces
Disturbing your conflict
Demanding amends.
Hang on to your aim
Balance those boundaries
Offer yourself
The hand of help.
Gash that fight
Against your trueness
Devotion of emotions.
Seize the light
Heal your content
Get to the end
Be transparent
Be yourself.
Hear the voices
They’ve come
To stay.
Start to pray
And praise
And reign
It’s your voice
Your domain.
M·A·G·N·I·F·I·C·E·N·T !!
A strange voice... but a friendly voice, after all!
IN MY HUMBLE OPINION this poem is of the highest excellence in thought, in word, in form, in meaning. Listen, Hear, Prayers of Praise, heal, transparent, be yourself, be true to yourself, move on, "be ye not false".
And I say God talks through the "voices" of others. Listen to their advice, and also HERE it. Be aware!
(Not "beware"--grin!)
This is one of the best from Sweeter Poet which I have read.
Thank you.
Take Care!
That was "HEAR it.
So powerful Dulce!!!
beautifully cooked!
It's like a storm Dulce,surprised
oh, this is remarkable! One that should be posted on the mirror to be read each morning and evening.
Wonderful my friend. :)
"Seize the light
Heal your content
Get to the end
Be transparent
Be yourself..."
Dulce, what can I possibly say after something as great as that. Only this, you are wonderful poet, my dear, a truly wonderful poet.
this is true ! we must to be aware for all this .
thank you for this poem , Dulcissima .
Get on your way
Hear your voice
Be yourself!!
"I am what I am
I am my own special creation "
Me recordaste esta canción.
Muy bello Ser que Eres.
You are the eye of the tornado, you control all these thoughts and words to fit in a perfect fragment or sentence. These words you've typed down are magnificent, phenomenal. Your words are slowly entering me in to the scene it's just so perfect, the best I've seen yet.
Almost mystical, Dulce. That's really all I can say...
magnificent, lady!!! and here's to ALL our voices, our domains!!! praise them all!
Un buen consejo ser transparente y ser uno mismo.
I found it impossible not to read your poem twice. It was simply incredible.
Words of wisdom to live by and swear!
Gosh, that was almost like assurance.
Joy always,
Dulce, Oh my God! No no no!!! You don't understand. Sometimes, when I can't say anything more, it's because something has touched me so deeply I can't say more. It's not because there's nothing to say... it's because the saying is pointless. What you've said stands alone, and what can my mere description add to it? Yes, I am honest. If something is so so, I'll say it. Not so here. At all. What made you think that? Sometimes, when we say too much and then don't say enough, it comes across as being nonchalant. And mystical... when I use that word, it's because mystical is the highest compliment I can pay. When something is mystical, it touches on a spiritual level for me.
Woman, do I have to explain myself to you?!?! You should know me better, Sweetest... but that's all right. I hope I've set it straight?
Big hugs,
My Dear NEvine
Sweetest Queen... Thanks for being so so sweet to me, and a real friend.
I am sorry about all this silly stuff.
And hugs to each and every other one!
I left you a note on my blog, but wanted to come back and let you know you're awesome... and nothing would make me think otherwise. You are gifted, and sometimes words escape us... we are stopped cold. Sometimes... Yes, I know I ramble most of the time. So when I don't do that, people think I'm being short. I've done it to myself, I guess. ;-) Lots of hugs to you, Dulce!
Very thoughtful. You oftne remind me to stop and think with your poetry. I am a woman who paints on a face, I guess I often fake myself. Thanks for reminding me to br truer.x
Thank YOU all , my dear friends. I'll catch up on you tomorrow... NOw I am going to my sweet dreams...i.e BED...
hugs and Smiles!
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