Time of period
And periods of time
To such an extent
This body and mind
Tears out of control
And thoughts of the gone ones
And tears of joy
And mood out of its orbit
Mixing in this
Body and mind
Knowing they’ll leave
And come again
These periods of time
This time of period
eventually always
also moving
my soul...
Wow. This rings so true. The up and down roller coaster we go on when we are greiving. Great Post!
Dulce, you might guess that I have never had a "period"--grin! But I have heard enough about them from Peeps who HAVE. And...no thanks...
Even during this period, you express perfectly what half of us know already, and half of us do not.
SO much talent, so well-used. YOURS!
Florida Peep
Sweeter Poet Dulce--
I did not know...are you grieving? Possibly I misunderstood terribly. If so, I apologize...no bad intention from me, WHATSOEVER--EVER! I hope you realize that.
Steveroni, I also perceived it as you saw it.
Lovely Dulce,
Because of "this time of period, these periods of time", and because of our moods, all of us can feel we are ALIVE.
To show our tears and smiles is what make us realize that we are more than a body...we have "something" that guards our feelings, which some people call "SOUL". Let's say, in other words: our "SPARK".
In my opinion, that is what make different each and everyone of us.
It's clear that not only I loved your poem, but also it was thought provoking!
Ah, the "Mood out of its orbit"...well said dear girl.
Truly the truth of the emotional.
be well~hugs~
I have bestowed an award upon you.
Oh the periods we go through, the good and the bad...I wouldnt take one of them away...
I have watched in anger, I have watched in sorrow, and I have marveled at the way it moves her heart...
Dulce, this new blog address I'm leaving you, is a poetic friend of mines. I'm sure you will like her writes.. http://awordywoman.blogspot.com/
No se quién se moverá primero, el alma o esos períodos...
Es muy bello, así se siente........
PD: El cursor lo saqué de esta página http://www.totallyfreecursors.com/
está el link a la derecha en mi blog debajo del slide de premios, hay muchos para elegir, seguro encontrarás alguno a tu medida..o cerquita, copias el código y lo pegas.
you certainly captured the attention of many of us with your latest post! which of us hasn't struggled with this 'time'? i honestly wished i could spend that time more introspective instead of crying and wanting to go to bed!
you've written so beautifully about a subject that not many want to touch, dulce...good for you!
Down down down... that's how it feels, yeah? I know. I hope you are resting easy, Dulce.
Oh, I forgot to leave you hugs... especially this time... here are some super big (((((((((((hugs)))))))))))).
Periodos en el tiempo... tal como vienen, se van. un abrazo querida amiga!!!
What's beautiful about this poem is that is can be understood and enjoyed on so many levels, as illustrated in the above comments. An exploration of female fertility, maybe a blessing and a curse, or perhaps a poignant reflection on the transient nature of time, or even a despairing chronicle of grief...or all three, that's how I read it. Either way, a great poem, elegantly written by an equally elegant poet.
All comments... so very especial. I love writing and what you, my beloved readers, get out of it.
But, please, allow me to choose the one which gets better and so much nearer and clearer to what I've meant here, today...> YOURS, SAM dear!
This female thing is not just like going to the toilet every day. It involves so many other things... together with the moon, and the sea and how it influences our sacred female nature- for good or better...
I've never read anything about it... as far as I am concerned.(So youa re right Sheri) In fact, I am thinking about writing another, maybe more serious, more deeply one on this subject.
Thanks to you my dear ones...
Nevine,( that HUG gets so deep!You naughty one know I could ever drop a few more tear for just that- LOL)
Calli (yes the mood...)
Steve ( how do you know? :)
and smiles to you ALL!
this reminds me of a time...that moves my soul...to make a difference. I hope..I pray you're not grieving.
Love it! But then I love your work :)
Thanks for visiting my blog while I am away :)
I liked this,Dulce.
Periods of time are like times being put under spells of memories.It is up to us to live them wisely.
And you Dulce dear-write them well ;)
superbly and beautifully written, lady dulce! conjuring up memories for us all of those periods of life, new life lost life - all enveloped in the same flow of life - beautiful!
Tears out of control...
aww I almost cried.
Loved it hun :)
El tiempo que nos arrastra, que nos envuelve en minutos, en ese periodo de tiempo en que los sentimientos giran y se recomponen, y se mueven y sienten... abrazos
Our bodies and minds experience both extreme pleasure and pain and nothing ever stays the same. We are full of emotions, Chica!
Que escape son tus poemas, primita. Que bendición.
Te deseo un buen fin de semana gozando en lo tuyo. xo
powerful words and a state worth creating around - it is about the preparation for creation after all... the passing of one opportunity and the promise of the next... it seems this poem is at once about a grief and bio-chemical period...
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