When it all makes sense…
Definitely in love, I am.
Do you hear,
Touch that?
I can feel as you feel.
The touch,
As I touch you
Touches me as well,
Maybe even more.
Because I become the touchee,
And the touchor,
(Do those words exist?)
Both ways I receive.
I see what you see,
Through different eyes
Same view.
I hear what you hear,
Those sweet words
Of comforting love
Sweeter love...
Feel me with your fingertips,
Paint me with your lips
Your lick…
Now, I let you be master,
And I be slave...
Your tongue is making a line...
It is you, always there
As I turn,
Enflaming my desire
As I yearn.
This is our flesh,
Our guiding light.
Starting only
By my inner thigh…
…it all makes sense,
And then:
Et cetera.
Sensual, passionate and brilliant, Dulce. So much emotion is suffused in your eloquent words, delightfully constructed ideas and thoughts and images.
the last line, like a gut punch...for one yearning, longing (for poetry) so sweet
Que bonito es sentir el cuerpo del otro...
Un poema muy sensual y bonito.
Un beso.
what a hot poem!
I need a cigarette.
Good one!
Cigarette, HELL! I need a shower, preferably ice cold!
Dulce, I wish to say I LV your poem (see, I cannot even write the word "LV" out...it frightens, when so near these kinds of words of yours. And it sure sounds like YOU in love, Canary.
LV ya!
Take Care!
sensual and playful! known territory.
wonderful !!!
Ok, I need a cold shower now lol
A hot, stifling and horny poem...I'm sure some followers will need a cold shower when they read! I need it NOW!
See ya later!
I need a cold shower, stat!
Hermoso! Te leo con el google traductor.
Un abrazo...
hot hot HOT!
very well done!
No te conocía, incluso te confundí.
Vengo del blog de una amiga María.
Entiendo inglés, pero si no te molesta respondo en castellano, o español. En Argentina le decimos castellano.
Es hermoso y te diría que entre un poema que acabo de leer en un blog de un amigo y el tuyo, juro que la temperatura baja de Buenos Aires, para mi cambió...
Describís de una forma lo que sentimos en ese momento de la forma más femenina , sensual y dulce que puedo sentir.
Realmente te felicito. No visito seguido, no puedo estar en mi blog en mis últimos tiempos, por temas personales, pero me sigue atrayendo el leerlos. Lo hago muy de vez en cuando y el que me deja entrar ahí me tiene.
Te dejo mil besos dulce.
Te sigo así puedo leerte cada tanto aunque sea.
sensual y bello! asi como dice un comentario allá arriba.
Wow... haha I think I have a clue of what you're talking about.
SOmehow... that is love! a kinda secret tabu side of love, but it is love after all :)
Hey! Great somehow you saw yourself in my post!
And yeah, nothing is coincidence! Let's never forget that!
It doesn't get more sensual than that! Wow!! Nice image to go with your sexy words, Chica. :)
Ooh girl! Is it hot in here, or is it just me? :)
Loved it:)
I did mention this was hot right? Seriously I wish I could muster things from the part of my brain that holds lust and sexual energy the way you do - impressive and wonderful as always!
I love the lightheartedness of this one. And et cetera, indeed! Leave the rest to our imagination! That always works wonders... every time. Have a beautiful weekend, Dulce!
Una senssación ET. cetera...!
ditto nevine's comment totally!!! love the et cetera ending!! very nicely done, lady!
Oh, Dulce, this was wonderful!
This was a very beautiful and sensual piece Dulce i did get hot and bothered haha...Love your choice of words and i hope you stop by mine sometime. Nonetheless i will be a regular on here starting today :)
Cheers x
me encanta leer te Dulce..muchos sentimientos ..sensual y brillante. te leo con mi corazon y te siento con mi alma..BRAVO!
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