A constant doubt
Which will be
The way out…
As simple as
The door
Or the window
Never thought
I’d have to admit
So clearly see
Through the window…
Hurting myself so badly
For I have no wings
No matter how
So much I insist
Through the door
I’d go walking
For I stand
On two feet..
Lucky me
Both still I keep
Up to you
Go on flying in the mist
Or walk and take the risks.
Deviantart Image: The window by ~theflickerees
Hola Dulce con algunas traducciones puedo de vez en cuando saber de tí.
Pero te recuerdo y sabes te agradecí tu visita a mi espacio.
Y es que ¿sabes? tengo tan poco espacio de tiempo para visitar a mis amigos.
Besitos guapa.
Doubt, as you say.
No, Yes?
No space for "Maybe"
Now or Never?
Oh, that four-letter word...
No, rather peace-giving.
Decisions, decisions
i think it might be worth it to give up the wings...smiles.
I enjoyed this. Thanks.
All the best, Boonie
A doubt is like a stone in the shoe. Get it out. But I do know that it is better said than done. But even doubt seems lovely when you write about it, sweetest!
Joy always,
I think doubt is important. It ascertains our active minds, shows that we're thinking, questioning...as Descartes said, "I doubt, therefore I think; I think, therefore I am". A wise, reflective and profound poem, Dulce.
keine Fragen , keine Antworten ,
keine Zweifel ,
einfach nur Handeln , ;-)
I liked this very much. There seems to be a theme today regarding doubt , or maybe it’s just me, to continue as you say “flying in the mist, or walk and take a risk” The mist at the moment, is more appealing.
"Lucky me
Both still I keep"
that line makes me feel Gratitude with a capital G.
Thank you.
flight ain't all it's cracked up to be. Wings are fragile and glass is invisible.
wonderful rhythm as always
Dulce...Again you took the words from my heart...This is EXACTLY how I feel today but couldnt form the words to say...just this...
Thought provoking, simple answers are never really simple, they give us the most trouble. When in doubt do nothing=--- but I would walk, for as luck would have it -- I would forget to pack my wings.LOL
very remarkable piece.
hey dule who is that lady above your avatar !!
Renn-Your guess is right
you look very good i did not expect that .
dulce i can not understand love poems because
i had no one to love , only hate in
my life so i write better on you image blog .
( no i´m not in jail lol)
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