
Wednesday, September 22



Summer warms me up

Longer than to most

That’s why I crave for fall

I guess more than you all

And I envision myself

In that city

Where streets are full

Of autumn leaves

Which I go and pick

And keep in a frame at home

As if a work of art

For those are not so common

Round these parts...

And I recall that fall

Which to me was freezing

And to others just cold

In that city

Where streets were full

Of autumn leaves

And I long for that fall

Which will last until

Saint Valentines’s

For neither do I know

Or enjoy

That much

That feeling

About winter’s snow....

Taking part in One Shot Wednesday


Brian Miller said...

smiles. i love fav time of year...and i wish it coul dlast longer can hold the snow as well..nice one shot!

Nevine Sultan said...

Dearest Sweetest... Fall is coming, and we are looking forward to it... and welcoming it... with open arms. Fall is such a beautiful season, filled with colors and magic and light. And your words bring the reality of fall for you right into my heart. I'm a warm climate girl, too. ;-) So, I can relate to these feelings.

Wishing you the most delightful and magic-filled Autumn ever!

Warm hugs to you,

signed...bkm said...

love how you make fall last through until Valentines Day....enjoy it is upon us now....bkm

Teresa said...

Fall truly is wonderful! You certainly do the season justice with this poem.

Desert Rose said...

we all became autumn lovers, somehow i find it very romantic season..:) and i am in AWE with your amazing verses darling..tight hugs always dear one..:)

Maureen said...

"And I long for that fall/Which will last until / Saint Valentine's": Yes, and yes!

Carrie Van Horn said...

Dulce, this is making me long for fall, and it won't be long...simply beautiful, and I love your new layout!!! :-)

steveroni said...

I DO love Autumn, the smell of dying leaves, light smokiness in the air and the friendly breezes only hinting of the winter to come. This is all in my memory of course, which you so expertly (Sweetly?) have revived, Dulce.

It seems as if I am alone in the world preferring (and loving even more) Spring time--will not write reasons, it would be another blog YOU know!

Sweeter Poetry is at the top of my list for your intriguing topics, interesting and fresh philosophies, logical thought process. The way you put it all together in rhyme sublime is fantastic.

Seldom do I compliment your work here, because it is always so GoooD! It's like telling a famous musician how GREAT she is--day after day after day. Finally, greatness is ASSUMED, wrong as that might seem.

So, may I say, your pieces here are outstanding. Your Peeps have the highest expectations each time you post, AND they are rewarded with your finest of fine craftsmanship!

Blessings for you, Sweetest. Enjoy Autumn!

A Plain Observer said...

Caribbean chick..fall is freezing and cold to others.
I dont like fall - it is beautiful - but it is only a prelude of what is coming

Superfluous Brunette said...

I love Fall too. It feels so crisp and enlivening. I think of Fall as letting go of...letting go of what we no longer need. And I envy how trees as so good at letting go.
It proves that letting go is part of our nature...and we have nothing to fear as new growth will follow.
Happy Fall!

Anonymous said...

I love fall, but I love summer better... Nice one shot!

steveroni said...

Hey Dulce, I have also a ONE SHOT! And here is MINE

S. Susan Deborah said...

Dear Dulce:

Love your new header! I have seen so many of them in blogosphere writing about Fall and here you are. I was born in Autumn and so I warm up to this season. Autumn is always a sign of the old falling away and making way for new. Though, we don't experience seasons like you do, we have our own version of Autumn!

Joy and love always,

dustus said...

I wish Fall were longer. Love this time of year. Would be so nice if it could last that long. Thoughtful One Shot! well done

Wild Rose said...

Oh you too...dear, now am falling inlove with Autumn at every turn, lovely oneshot.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

lovely picture, beautiful words.

Shashidhar Sharma said...

Its so nice... "the longing for the fall and the fall for longing..." a city full of autumn leaves... Nicely done...

I also loved the painting of the Klimt alongside... Beautiful. I have loved his paintings and specially the Kiss.

ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya
Connect with me on Twitter at @VerseEveryDay to read one verse everyday on life, love and longing...

joanna said...


Sweet and tender, a delicate verse it reminds me of a quote by Albert Camus "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."


actually posted a one stop this time around.

JStar said...

This is a great tribute to fall. I am not much into fall or winter...But this made it seem beautiful...

G-Man said...

I can add no further praises to this Gem...Thanks

Anonymous said...

I like this a lot. Love and Light, Sender

gautami tripathy said...

I am wanting fall too. Beautiful poem!

ode to un-punctuated verses

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

amazing beauty woven in your words.
admirable poem!

clean and crazy said...

just a beautiful poem. i love this and the picture is amazing.

Claudia said...

first - i LOVE that picture - it's just a perfect match with your poem
unfortunately i'm not that warmed up..summer over here was not that warm..but slowly getting ready for autumn...

nouvelles couleurs - vienna atelier said...

great picture and words...

Bubba said...

I doubt many people crave fall like I do. It was always my favorite season, even as a child.

Nice piece, Dulce!

aguja said...

This is beautiful, encapsulating autumn and all that it evokes. It is my favourite season - and my birthday season, too.

Your poetry is delight.

drybottomgirl said...

My favorite season as well....there's something magical with the colors, I find it effects my mental state in a positive way. Although I wish it would stay longer it may not mean as much if it wasn't so brief....beautiful "one shot" and pic....

Monkey Man said...

There is something about the crunch of leaves under your feet that is even more satisfying than stomping in a puddle. Fall...ahhh.

My "Tick Clack" One Shot is HERE.

Lu Ann said...

Fall. In my opinion the most beautiful time in the year.

What I like the most about this poem of you my dearest Dulce is the background.
The emotions that are barely seen through and still very poetic.
The soul of a writter. :)

Maha said...

I love the cosy color of winter leaves on the ground. I prefer winter though, but without snow. Very nice poem

Glynn said...

The fall that transcends the winter -- would that it were so! Good one.

TALON said...

Autumn is my favorite season and I've always thought it was a shame that winter had to be its neighbor!

This poem is lovely, Dulce. How lovely if autumn melded right into Spring.

Scott M. Frey said...

I loved this piece, and your personal reaction to the changing of the seasons. I live in a place where the seasons change and it does inspire us to write, doesn't it?

moondustwriter said...

I feel that desire to not only embrace but to hold on to the fall.
Enjoy each colorful crunch and each spice filled eve.

Thanks for The One Shot poem

Autumn glow from the Moon

Anonymous said...

Autumn seems so clourful, I wonder why its known as the season of decay...
we, in India, have not ever seen the variegated colours of Autumn except in pictures. wish I could!