
Saturday, September 25

On Death & Perfection

About perfection

And one’s way to strive for it.

I find I spend my whole life

Trying not to throw in that towel

Not until I die…

I avoid depression

By means of fight and pride

One needs first that beauty


Then it’ll be more than enough

To get to see it

Probably only you

And at least


In my striving for perfection

Different projections

Come to play

There is a time

When I need a standby

When I could as well die

Then worry, why

Since life waits for nobody

So often having to

Make up one’s mind

Despite knowing

All the same

That perfection I won’t find

Until I die...


clean and crazy said...

such an intruiging poem, yet i can read it over and over and realize there is so much truth in it

Gaia said...

How true this is... all our life seeking and wanting and yet nothing turns out the way we want it.

Sam Liu said...

Beautiful and deeply philosophical poem, Dulce. Perfection, of course, is an unattainable goal, but so many of us strive for it. It also depends what your idea of perfection is, for it is different for everybody. Alas, they do say that trying to be happy is the quickest way to misery.

Brian Miller said...

there is some deep wisdom in this one i will i will not waste precious moments trying...

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Very moving poem. We all search for completion of our circle. To go home and become one with the beginning. Beautiful work.


rennschnecke (Starranger) said...

Depri vermeiden , geht nicht .
Das ist nicht möglich ,
für nichts leben braucht man nicht .

steveroni said...

Dulce this is GOOD. Most Peeps strive to excel in work, play, relationships, health, social behavior, loving and being loved.

And 'striving for perfection in my life' puts me on the right track to achieve many benefits along the way.

This is not prideful stuff. It is reality. There is a goal, even if unreachable in earthly life.

You always write so well. I keep looking for a distinct criticism to comment. Maybe some day?

Hugs, girl!

Manon said...

Wow!! This is beautiful!!

Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier today. I'm also happy to meet you!!

Superfluous Brunette said...

Very philosophical. We are always looking for perfection, wanting and searching for something other than what is. But what is perfection?
As you say, it will be in death. Our life is perfect as is.

Enjoy your weekend! Love your new look. Where do you find blog backgrounds?

eric1313 said...

I had to stop seeking perfection in order to get closer to it. I try to tell this to people and they don;t buy it. They tell me they want to cling to being a perfectionist, and in the mean time they accomplish so little since if it's not perfect they give up.

Just let the words fly and see where they land.

Good stuff!

TALON said...

This was a beautiful glimpse into a soul...I'm going enjoy reading this again because there's such honesty here...

Nevine Sultan said...

I didn't make it for this one, Sweetest. But I wanted to tell you that your thoughts about "both" are so very profound. I have been soul-searching, lately. And your words echo some of my very thoughts. Loved this, my dear!

Warm hugs,