That little boat
Rocking on the waves
Once and again
So lonely
Who left it there?
How did they reach the shore?
Little boat swinging
Is there anybody to care?
How was it tied up?
There it is
So lonely...
Days long
Darker nights
Rain and scorching sunshine
Seagulls come
Some stand to observe
Do their dirty things on it
And leave away from it
As if a rock it were...
So lonely...
So mouldy underneath
Floating it is
Despite the inclemency
Of weather and time
Never sinks
But that little boat so lonely
I feel …
Voilà la poésie
At times I am the wind
The moon or just a tree
Today I am nobody
But a swinging little boat
So lonely
On the deep blue sea…
i´m that boat !
but that is o.k.!
from a German fairy tale .
Bremer Stadtmusikanten
"Etwas Besseres als den Tod ,
finden wir Überall "
top post from you
i'm sorry little boat.
the deep blue sea hugs your hull a bit doesn't it?
I love little boats I do....
Beautiful metaphor for life....We all have these moments...
ohh........Dulcissima mia !! this poem was able to trasport me to there.
thank you so much for this !!
the poem Conversation is magnifique too.
awww...i'd swim out and tie your boat up...sad...
The last stanza is so beautiful, Dulce. Your metaphor is vivid and moving, and one so many of us can relate to. At times, we're all just lonely little boats, in the vast blue sea.
Oh, I want to come and rescue you with my rubber dingy, but I fear we could both be lost at sea,
My prescription is a nice latté and an invigorating sea story.
By the way, I’ve tagged you for a short meme: Tagged!
This poem is so beautiful - poignant - and how moments can be - but you are anchored.
I especially loved the last few lines... the last stanza, Dulce. "At times I am the wind/the moon or just a tree". So eternal and universal, this. And just as eternal as those boats that cling tenaciously, come what may. And just as eternal as we are, though we get bumped and scratched and wounded. Lonely this boat may be... but it has the whole vast sea for company, My Sweetest!
Warm hugs,
Nevine's words are marvelous.
I too had the thought of being alone, but never lonely.
oh, I just adore this one!
*thought process*
why would a boat be abandoned? how would anyone know to observe it if it's alone? to know that it is alone?
but you end it... with smooth sailing, my dear.
Just wonderful!
Nevine's words also rocked my boat.
Alone often, (I like it!) but seldom lonely, for I have friends always to call, write, visit, or just think about, and I am again then "with friends". It is SO important, even necessary--to be liked, loved, and to know that.
A true friend is the ocean upon which my boat, well...floats.
This poem was so touching and poignant. I love the way you use the vast sea and this smallest boat as a metaphor in life. Very moving, my heart breaks open reading this.
can feel the heart and soul of this little boat thru your words.
Moon Love
Sometimes we all feel away from the shore. And it can be lonely. But sometimes that's just what we need. A time to be alone, to feel lonely so that we can reach deep within and learn to find solace with ourselves.
I miss reading you, but i need to take my breaks from the computer! Although this is the best way to connect over the ocean!
Hugs xo
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