
If I knew where you are
I’d go there
No matter how far
I’d go there
To tell you
I came here to say
That if that past
I could change
I’d live no more
Anchored to these chains...
I came
Because so much
I am certain
You misunderstood
And took for granted
Too soon...
Too soon
I let you know
About my obsession
Instead of gaining your love
What I thought meant love...
I came
Not to ask for forgiveness
Or another chance
But to let you know
Who I really am
It’d take me hours
The rest of our lives
Or it’d take me
Just a last look at you
A single second
To realize
Good was
Too soon...
Image> Sweet Rain by Kasieku15 (Deviantart)
GIRL...This is beautiful!!! There are always those that got away...and maybe we werent ready then...but second chances can go either way
Sometimes I wonder if second chances would just be a way of getting slapped twice
Second chances are sometimes reminders of first failures
BUT Second chances could be the chance.
Que belleza. Exposing your true feelings...eso es lo que importa y lo que haces mejor que nadie.
¡Aplauso, primita!
Momentos que se perdieron en el tiempo,
fueron dulces como la miel
o llenos de sentimientos.....
pero ya no estan, solo los recuerdos..
todo se lo llevo el viento
amargo como la hiel....
Si supiera donde estás iria allí....
Me encanta tu poema
Besitos dulce.
It's a very nice piece, but I just have to point out something about the first stanza.
It should read:
"If I KNOW where you are
I’LL go there
No matter how far"
ahhhhh i love this
...But to let you know
Who I really am…
love this - revealing oneself even with the possibly of getting hurt - that's really brave!
don't know why this hurts...but it does. The pain of loss...and wishing I didn't have to let go....Stay strong out there ok...and safe. ☺
Love is the art of total surrender, and can bring immense joy, but also immense sadness. As always, dear Dulce, you capture a profound human emotion so beautifully.
Sometimes we have things that we shld cherish, but we let get away for whatever reason. God never gives us things 2 early..we just don't seize the moment, yet we can still prosper inspite of, because nothing is done in vain. Good Read!
a second chance to let them see the real you might not be a bad one to take...some second chances i am glad never came...
such a tender piece~
Well written poem...these emotions and their results are all too common...they strike each of us at one time or another. This is a very soft and sweet piece. Thanks :)
This is so very good. When it’s over too soon, so many questions and assumptions of what might or could have been.
I came Not to ask for forgiveness
Or another chance
But to let you know
Who I really am.
So many times, every time we so wish another chance to say what we didnt say.
This is sooo beautiful, Dulce. The best so far I have read but I have soooo much more to read!
rumor has it today is a special day for you as well...happy birthday!
Yesss, Happy Birthday Dulce.
Este post tuyo es uno de sus mejores, los mejores escritos...
(Ha! I used 'translator', of course!)
We change over a period of time...and the other does also change. Sometimes the direction is towards one another--other times away from.
In all human experience, there is only one way proven to find out...
Dulce, go HERE to see a birthday greeting from your friend--me!
happy birthday to you dulce…just read about it in steve's 55
have a fantastic day!!
This is so beautiful and sad at the same time. A second chance, of course, might not make any difference...it may not have been in the stars and a better love might be just on the horizon. I, of course, believe that for no one in their right mind would ever let you go. But, of course, this is only poetry, not written from memories of a painful experience, just imagined...right?
Oh Carmen dear... There is always at least a drop of true personal experience in what one writes...always, otherwise, words would not come easy...
Thanks for your sweet comments everyone
It's hard to say what would have happened. I guess we need to believe that what happened is exactly what should have happened.
Maybe you or whomever wasn't ready for too good because one still needed to grow and learn something. Then the 'right' one will come along.
Be good to yourself!
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