So often I wonder how much I can take, how far I must accept…

No cowardice
No resignation
Surrender or go to war
Swallow your words
Never is perfect
As always…
Often nodding
Or just ‘OK’
Although I mean ‘yes’
I think ‘no’.
Knowing I do myself no favour
Since Nature keeps being natural
Involving all that means
Yet, I still want to change
The movement of this planet…
So you say
I can only control
What I feel and think
The rest…
Whose minds and laws
Laws and mind
I’ll never agree with…
Remain untouched
Hurtful, useless
So many ‘I should’
So many ‘they’d have to’...
Pressure becomes frustration
Frustration becomes anger
Anger becomes anxiety
Eventually you might die
As all those who lost the fight
So I choose...
By doing this I’ll accept
All the things I did
And wish I had not done
And those I didn’t
But wish I had…
And all those,
Still to come….
Deviantart Image
Lots to think about here, and a very apt title choice in "Acquiescence" - it sounds so much classier than 'Surrender' or 'Acceptance' and tells the story better than either.
Always a question, whether we can do more beyond change our little sphere of behavior. And we are so worried about what other people think.
Thought-provoking poem, Dulce...
You blow me away, your words are simply expressed, however, the depth and clarity to them is beyond anything simple minded. But rich and full and artistically inspired, a profound depth that will escape some and send others to a more sublime state of thought.
This is a powerful and thought-provoking poem, Dulce. Your words have a very profound and subtle force, it takes my breath away. Indeed, how far must we go? And to what emotions, to what people, must we surrender?
This is beautifully written, and very strong.
Dulce, never, NEVER could I have responded in more appropriate and truthful manner as Joanny.
The nail must have a headache--grin! because it got hit square ON....
Dulce is lately outmaneuvering Dulce herself, do you know what I mean. This post is SO clear and so vibrant. And the message it softly speaks must lead many of us to ponder that which should not have needed pondering.
Even children sometimes swallow their words, in order to "get along"--terrible as that may sound.
So much hurtful and almost sounds like one is saying, "Let go of it. Let God take care of it", since i have exhausted my options, and tried SO hard to do or not do this or that.
Simple acceptance of some events, out of my control, allow me to continue then loving myself...and others, without the hindrance of "running" things.
Wow! i AM on the soapbox again. Sorry!
This one is worth definitely all
♥ ♥ ♥ of these....
Loved this! I often think if I had the chance, would I do the same thing again? Or would I do it just the same?
Lots to think about here!
at least in choosing i know the consequences are mine...really and excellent write dulce...
amazing work as always, i just love stopping by
lovely expression.
Abraham lincoln once said that the greatest sin can be the sin of silence. wisdom there.
I like me it reiterates something I really believe, that is, we all need to "own" what we do and don't do. It is what it is; no point in pretending otherwise. I enjoy your poetry...I'll try to come here often :)
Hey there!!
Undoubtedly a very profound poem, expressed with great skill and technique. As I told you, during this summer you've written great poems, with high quality and full of feelings.
Of course, I'm very proud of you!
Kisses from the French Residential Palace
the word play you applied in here is breath-taking. This one runs so deep
you are my hero
Dulce-This is my fav to date...You are who you are...With self love you can accept the good and the bad about yourself...We learn from our mistakes...All we can do it pick up and remain ourselves and do what we have to do...The past makes us stronger!
BTW I dedicated the poem I posted to you today...Because as G-Man said he-We are both hopeless romantics who compose from our heart
sorry i've been away so long, dear lady - just inundated with real-world situations which not only sap my energy, but my time, these days! - be that as it may, i have so missed your words here - and today, self-reflection just the perfect little life lesson! :)
beautiful work, dulce!
beautiful and so simply put anybody could understand it. But... I accept for no other reason then how could I not.. I cannot fool myself and for that which is to come I could only blame myself or rejoice for that which I have learned...
Today you have made me think a litle more deeply than I can usually cope with ;)
Laws and mind I'll never agree with...
and nothing we can do about it. Frustration, yes.
It is a difficult world outthere, we make it difficult...
So many themes here to think about...I might need another cup of coffee and read it again, and again. Love it!
love it!
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