
Tuesday, January 18

She's A Lady

O...Tu Suavissima Virga,  by Rosa Cobos

As every morning
She does
Mrs Pale
Look after her orchids

From the windows of her greenhouse
She can see her beloved valley.
Loving this complete silence.
A peace only broken by
That sudden sound of the old piano,
     for years not played
     it sounds to her
Like everything...
    But music

She does
Mrs Pale
Loathe everything
Concerning this man, 

Has become

Too long

 A complete stranger.
She does
Mrs Pale
Wish she could tell him,
In a mild form,
And convince him-
No matter how much you persist
In calling this ’Love’
...To me
It all has evolved into
Mere ashes.

________________________________________________Written for One Shot Wednesday


Dr. Cheryl Carvajal said...

Such sadness... a life unlived because another has no perception of how much it's fallen apart.

Kay said...

a hopeless romantic would say they are lucky not have fallen out of love at the same time...


Brian Miller said...

and ashes make for a poor the starving...og loves inattention

Andrew said...

I know now that what I once called love had dissolved into ashes and I could not, or would not see it.

K said...

This is a really sad piece. It reminds me somehow of the Beatles song 'Eleanor Rigby' because like Eleanor, the character you are portraying is a lonely, tragic person.

Steve Isaak said...

Your usual excellent interplay of flow/language/imagery.

Claudia said...

oh dulce - there is such sadness and loneliness in this peace - so much lady-like hidden desperation - makes my heart feel heavy..very well written

steveroni said...

Dulce, your poem...I like!

Out of ashes, a fire yet can be freed to burn.

But from MERE ashes? Those I believe even God has abandoned.

And I love that Mrs Pale does...she does! Lover of orchids, which are not in the orchestra!

Thank you.

Caribbean Fool said...

Beautiful sadness. Haunting in the reminder that everything in life is fleeting; the same comforting thought during difficult times becomes a prison during our golden days. Loved the imagery & emotion you use to build out the theme of the poem. Always great to find a new voice and hear their stories through their vision. Thanks for posting this;


dustus said...

'Eleanor Rigby' was mentioned earlier. I can see that compliment. beautiful sadness in your lines, Dulce. You set up a great contrast between setting and feelings kicked off with loathing. Powerful, many conflicting aspects of the "ladylikeness" is captured well. Excellent, Dulce.

Maude Lynn said...

Wow! I really like this one, Dulce!

hedgewitch said...

Like the way you used that refrain "She does..."--doing is usually positive, but in this it just makes the sense of imprisonment stronger. A wistful and nicely turned piece, Dulce--and I love the new look on the site.

Anthony Duce said...

I am enjoying how this sounds, as much as the story.

PattiKen said...

I really like your phrasing in this, Dulce. There is a Victorian feel to it. Lovely.

Silver said...

Been such a pleasure knowing you, Dulce. I am leaving my blogs for good. Just making some last stops!

Keep writing. Thank you for your friendship, and stay sweet always!


2wolvz said...

i really liked this one dulce great styling and story

signed...bkm said...

love the sound of Mrs Pale and how she does what she does...especially the gentleness of tending to her

Shadow said...

quite sweet one moment, and then the real feelings smacked me in the face. well!!! well!!! written!!!

Laura said...

she is so easy to visualize, Mrs. Pale, reminds me of my college roommate, she does.

JStar said...

Beautifully written...

Jerry said...

You go Mrs. Pale. It is not his delivery but your reception that counts. Slam the cover over his fingers...

Anonymous said...

Poignant...a statue that chose to stay still instead of moving forward..but why?

Anonymous said...

Woww... to experience this degree of sadness, she must have gone thru' a lot!!!
This one evoked a lot melancholy tunes from my mind, Dulce...
A very beautiful one shot, my friend..

moondustwriter said...

Love will rise again for this beauty. for now the ashes are a symbol of the past

The entire piece my dear is elegantly bathed in tristesse

Love from a friend

A Plain Observer said...

sad...I want to say that there was enough love there to hold them together, but...that is not what I want to say. When there is nothing but ashes left, that love becomes chains that trap.