How I miss my little man
Gone on holiday with daddy
Far away
From these small lands
From my warmth
Our company
Our love, though
So immense
Goes round and round
The globe
On and on
Ad infinitum...
Close doors
Where I stand
© Dulce
For allowing him this freedom--to be with his father, explore new places, new things, Little Man will love you all the more.
And Sweeter Dulce deserves no less.
Children are beautiful, they walk into the world in our place, and when they are away from us...
we want them back.
Thanks for this nice poem!
Such a sad holiday without him, I can imagine. I wish he comes back really soon. My best wishes to you, dear Dulce.
mmmm, the last time my little man went away, i ended up getting a puppy. he knows he can't leave too often since he may end up living in a zoo, hee hee heeeee
Round and round the world, in your heart his love is always with you.
I have so many people far away so I learned that there're not distance for Love.
Unos hermosos versos, cargados de nostalgia, emocion y sentimiento querida Dulce.
Mis mejores deseos, repletos de cariño.
Mil besitos!!!
keep believing in that on and on ad infintum. It;s what keeps us going. ~rick
Oh! Am having problems with blogging conections...
Thank you so much now that I could connect!
I love you all:) ;)
Ha! I love Shadow's comment!
Yep, SHADOW sure nailed it down...she has the solution for EVERYTHING. LOL!
One dog
Each year
Grab him
By the ear
After a few
When then you
Get tired..or worse
Time to get a horse
i understand. i was divorced when my kids were small, and although i was with time very regularly - when i wasn't with them for all or part of a holiday it was difficult.
love survives...
he will be back soon,
this parting will make the affection more dear.
This is not about your so dear puppies SH girls... it is supposed to be sad... and meanwhile you playing with those huge dogs... oh!
;( :0
your words touch me deep inside.
I know this feeling all too well! Its something you never get used to :( My girls left on Christmas day to spend the rest of their vacation with Daddy :(
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