
Thursday, March 4

A Friend In Need

Forever is too long a word

And a meaning

Forever... (?)

Since it all began

It’s been forever for you

And all you get to see

Never will you be

Able to live

Without him

You fool

Forever is now

If you let your door open

When you look

On the opposite direction

And see white

Forever is when you decide

Black will never again

Be a chance

You fool…

It’s high time

You stop the tread

The wasteful search

But see yourself

Find in yourself

The only seed…

You is all you need




See me!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Devianart Image


Caio Fern said...

lets make it eternal till it lasts .

Nikki (Sarah) said...

But see yourself

Find in yourself

The only seed…

You is all you need



Powerful Dulce...very powerful...Sarah


yes, dulce! you got it right! beautifully said, as always!

steveroni said...

Dulce, do not you wonder why some have to live foolishly in that darkness of cruelty...forever. We call it Codependency. And it is so prevalent. and for some, also...

My girl, YOU are becoming masterful at expressing the height and the depth of humanness. The more you write, the better. And I'd bet you do not "work" on these for very long.

If I did "awards" things, you would be receiving one this day.

Rick said...

My island friend, I couldn't agree more. i just can't say it as eloquently. Thanks~rick

Felicitas said...

Very powerful words, Dulce! You are all you need - ABSOLUTELY! Self-love and self-respect are the most important gifts we can give to ourselves.

katrin said...

i see you
through you
i see me
but that doesn't mean i like what i see.
yet i do like this poem
very much :)

In the blue hour said...

And I feel such the fool...

thoughts said...

i agree.

I have a small award for you, please collect it from my blog: and make me very, very happy.

with warmest affection,

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the wise counsel in this poem!


JStar said...

That search to find out who we are and accept that is a rough one...We cling to others and what the Norm is...Until we find our OWN path and are comfortable in our own skin....and discover that what we were searching for was within us from the start...Love this Dulce :)

Reysagrado said...

Keep believing, Sweetie!! Never, never, never give up!!

Jessie said...

you have some very strong and emotional lines here dear Dulce.
nicely done!

warm smiles,

Unknown said...

Oh to just see me...isn't that the longing of the heart...

beautiful to you today...
love to you today

1ManView said...

A profound write Dulce, a must share poem...

Kay said...

a lesson learned through time...

The Girl With The Mousy Hair said...

forever lovely.

Angeles said...

La eternidad se ve desde uno mismo, no todos pueden verse.., tiempos personales que fluyen hacia un tiempo en común.
Todos nos encontraremos en ese lugar de la eternidad.

Sylvia said...

There are so many "forevers" in our lives... Sometimes we are too blind to see them and they stand right there by our side. I hope your friend overcomes this disillusion soon. Love.