
Sunday, March 28


I am longing

For that feeling

Where every moment

Is the best and first...

I am searching

For that moment

When love

Is given back at request...

I am waiting

For that love

While these seconds fly

Like specks seen

Against the sunset light....

_________________________________________________________________________________Waiting By Pinkpaint


Tamarind~ said...


steveroni said...

Ya know Dulce, I believe of the three--longing, searching, waiting--the key member is "searching". Because, if I search, I may one day "find"...whereas I might be otherwise "waiting and longing" forever...Search is the action word.

Actually, I love this poem, though I'd guess it is not the love of God of which you are writing, but of human-which IS a "taste of God".

Take Care.

Anonymous said...

Waiting like that, we all know how that feels. Thanks for writing this!


SILVIA said...

Hermoso, realmente hermoso querida amiga. Besos mil!!!

S. Susan Deborah said...


Bazoom! This post reappeared. It wasn't there when I came in before. It said 'the page you were looking for does not exist.'

Sometimes the longing and waiting take up a lot of energy than the process of living a life of love. But even then it's a sweet feeling. I am sure you are enjoying the longing.

Joy always,

RNSANE said...

Dulce, only in poetry do you ever long....I know that love always is lying just around the corner for you!!!

Angeles said...

Ya encontrará el tiempo, el amor siempre busca al amante, pero..hay que poner el corazón en 0, para que algo nuevo pueda entrar.

Ileana said...

Beautiful image to go with your poetry. I'm inspired to sketch something like that...(painting on the right). Who's it by?

PS - Wishing you for the sweetest of moments...todo lo mejor para mi "prima." lol

No, en serio...te deseo mucha felicidad, amiguita linda. :)

JStar said...

I am still waiting for this feeling of love to be return as I give it...This is why I write these words down into poetry...Something I longed for but never felt...Until now :) His word fills that emptiness that once ached...

This poem is a reflection of what my heart is feeling! You nailed it again Dulce :)

Rick said...

Dulce-every time i've looked for it to come back, it never did. Same ol rain