
Wednesday, March 17

Latin Passion

Too long the night

Too long awake

How can I get rid of this anger?

Control my mind...

How wise will I be

When he is back?

A killing look,

A smiling answer.

I pummel your chest

With my hands

You grab my wrists

So tightly

Where's the pain?

And so successfully

You overcome

My madness

With kisses on my lips.

Sweet and tender.

You slide your tongue

Between them

And that I love you

In my ears...


Why can't I stop loving you?

And you make

That so very sweet

Love to me.

And I forget I hate you

My anger melting

Into ardour

Devotion again.

And we kiss

And we wrap

Each other in this

Latin passion...

And you make me

Vulnerable again…



LarryG said...

giving comes so natural
sweet flow sweet one

Aayushi Mehta said...

that was absolutely wonderful...written with a lot of tendernes...loved it!

JStar said...

Oh I know this feeling all too well! Love to hate them :) and the love making in THIS time, is the best :) Passion

S. Susan Deborah said...

Again a very 'woman' feeling. I will not be very surprised if the poem began with the words: "Vulnerable again…"

Dulce, you capture all 'woman' moments and emotions so very explicitly.

I think words come to you because you seduce them so well with your wand of beautiful thoughts.

P.S: Is 'passion' Latin? Can't it be American?

Joy always:)

RNSANE said...

Oh, those men do have a way, don't they, dearest Dulce...and you express it so well.

steveroni said...

Hey! This blog is rose-scented
like a thousand-and-one roses which are mentioned in Yesterday's post. I guess they did not die?'s poem, WOW! Anger, "pummeling" with poetic fighting, mak-up kissing cares away, forgiving, love-hate devotion, the
memory of melting, molting anger...and the vulnerability of giving oneself completely to the other, and same... WHEW!!!!

Get some sleep, and Take care!

Anonymous said...

Passion is the parent of Forgiveness. For all of us.

I like your poetry, Dulce.


SM said...

I get Latin passion. It goes from cold to hot so fast your head spins.

Lovely poem, you know women.

Angeles said...

Sólo conozco el latin lover no se como serán los otros...?
Devotion and passion a great mix!

Dulçe ♥ said...

Hey there
everyone > TAHAK YOU

ESpecially to Susan;
Because you know and I know...
You ask why not American? And I say it could be Indian and perhaps even JApanese. LAtin is, because i am a LAtin woman, and we tend to be very much like this... passionate, both with love and anger .. But I guess when one is angry with her lover she manifests her feelings this way- anyway.
We are so international, aren't we? Especially in matters of the heart...

I only want the yellow rose, well and the red ones, and all the chocolates too. Can't help this selfishness of mine...

la "latin lover" aquí- se supone- soy yo!

HUGS to everyone.
And Thanks again for reading me.
♥ ♥ ♥

Nevine Sultan said...

Oh, I know this vibe, Dulce. I know the hate-love feeling we sometimes have. It's the anger that sometimes gives seed to the ultimate passion. And you feel it again and again and again. And you want to be angry so you can just keep loving...

Love your words, always, Sweetest. So very deep and from the soul. :-)


Anonymous said...

This filled my hear with joy my friend. I loved the read. You are so full of passion :) Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and your family :)

Dulçe ♥ said...

Oh Nevine dear,
I always love your deep comments. They mean so much to me...I feel I cannot post anything new until you have come by (joking- but serious...
Now this Susan's post of the day got me and now am answering people's comments.Am not one of those! LOL
But I have already explained my thankfulness is implicit...just by being commented, I feel so much gratitude.... otherwise this would make not sense... despite the lack of written interaction...

I stop to thank today to some of you because you are the ones I admire to this respect...
I wish I could do it all the time, as you do, as well...

♥ I love you all anyway! ♥

Dulçe ♥ said...

Thanks Thom!
Happy Saint Patrick to you too!

Anonymous said...

i loved that "Latin Passsion"
anyway i still can't understand how can you produce everyday one of these mind-blowing poems that can impress everyone

Nikki (Sarah) said...

you write this so intensely...which makes it so powerful. Hey're the best. Sarah

Adelina said...

Me parece una preciosidad...Lleno de ternura y amor.

Un beso.

Felicitas said...

Awww, it happens to the best of us, my dear. Lovely words - and yes, I agree that Latin passion deserves it's own category!

Bernadine said...

I can relate so well. That tenderness gets beneath the defenses, until they crumble. Beautiful

Nevine Sultan said...

Dulce, I know you are sincere, Sweetest, and there's no need for you to stress about this. Susan's post got the wheels rolling, and my thoughts were about those who have ulterior motives - and there are so many out there! You are not one of them. And I hope you know that. And, smiles!!! And, hugs!!! I'll be back soon... you know me! ;-) I'm totally addicted to your writing. Love you, Dulce!


Ileana said...

No hay nada como la pasión latina...but then you already know that. ;)

S. Susan Deborah said...

DULCE, my dear. How sweet of you to thank all your readers. I know that in your place, we never go unnoticed. As Nevine said: You don't have to take the stress.

Now this is what I call a dialogue!!!

Joy always,

Silver said...

Hey you! Sorry been so busy.. that i have not been visiting as often as i like these days ;P

So glad, so glad to hear from you, my sweet Dulce :)

Love & Kisses,


dear dulce - another beautifully gripping basket of words from the heart - and now, of passion! ah, passion! well, there is passion - and then, there is latin passion! i know! beautiful words, as always!

Margie said...

Such intensity dear Dulce.
But I loved it!

Margie :)

Jessie said...

very intense dear Dulce!!

warm smiles,

VICKI IN AZ said...

This moves me very much. I am happy to know these feelings for myself, it is a great blessing in my life, TO FEEL. Thank you for sharing your words Dulce they are are a great gift, as are you.


Rick said...

I know this journey, Dulce, but only between my heart and head. I've lost reality somewhere on the trail. Still i cling to this. we, so easily seduced by that which would destroy us. ~rick