The balance is loose
Every day
Those ones
Passing away.
Getting used to hearing
So-and –so
Last Monday
Finished his show.
Becomes fated
But when that one
Of you
Is the One
Never does it
Heal away.
And the big monument
The hard stone
No wind
No rain
Can pollute
At all,
At least the least.
Might seem the pain
Goes away
To a certain admittance
A certain acceptance
Well…must say, no,
It does not.
© Dulce
Deviantart image
i don't think that pain will ever fade completely. lovely rememberance just can't...
thank you Dulce,
I will get that posted :)
that's awesome,
yes, there is a certain acceptance of sorts,
and somethings remain unpolluted
pain and memories, are never a balanced equation -- yet, you can't have true ones that don't have a little of each.
beautifully done!
Thank you for your kind words, you're a sweetheart.
Very profund!
I have lost so many loved ones in my life and the pain of losing them will never go away but I also have found acceptance and there are the loving memories that I keep in my heart.
The memories help deal with the pain.
what a beautiful poem. Hallmark card for sure.
I to have lost to many people, in 1993 I lost 3 in 12 days , God tested me way to much then, their loss was hard to bare, but the memories of them is what keeps us going. The pain eases somewhat as I think God takes on that burden, but, no one ever fades away forever.
TY.. Blessed Dulce.. SMILES
Am I hallucinating? Did I get confused? I thought you had changed the photo on your icon?
Life and death walk hand in hand. As to feelings, and soul, and remembrance, I believe in God. I believe everything remains and we have to review and learn.
Dulce, I have two comments today. The first is coming out right now...from right here:
"When one close to me has died
I die a little myself inside
Parting, even in its sorrow,
Says happy will be tomorrow
When we are together again
As one.
Meeting in that wonderful place
Called heaven, we shall embrace
During that ineluctable moment
God's Goodness will have sent
When we are together again
As one."
Maybe Dulce, I'll finish this sometime, but for now...that's all I have.
It is so sad, your brother died so young, and you loved him so much and so well--you are allowed to grieve still...it is right!
"Dulce" means "Sweet". Well then I send love and peace to sweet Dulce
Gee Dulce - I have no idea where on the globe we are together ;)
but I am glad we are... smiles.. hugs
I like it
... it reminds me a bit of something Metallica like. Fade to black etc.
Reflecting on the sweet remembrances of ones lost...
Number TWO This is LONNNNG:
Often I sound like a member of the "Mutual Admiration Society" because I'm always saying "How good this is, how good that was", etc.)
But you know, it IS good! And I appreciate SO MUCH what all of us are writing, because I like so much doing my own little bit.
There is a commonality here, in that each of us LIKE what we do, and also what the other is doing. That brings us together, sometimes in mind, always in spirit.
English is not your native language. Yet you so finely express yourself, in posts, and comments on so MANY blogs. And your heart-thoughts, just barely hidden--yet right there on top if one is looking/seeing--are the truest of truths.
Dulce, you inspire me to continue to learn how to write, by researching words, and by...well...humbly WRITING!
It's sad and beautiful as life and death.
A sweet kiss for you:)
Beautiful my friend. Makes you wonderfully remember those that have passed.
sits beside my Dulce
says nothin'
offers a hand to hold.
I am speechless.
You people, my friends, are really SWEEEET.
THANK YOU from my heart and soul.
Dear Dulce: te dejo un recadito please?? dile a tu lindo amigo Steve que no puedo entrar a su blog el explorer dice que hay un problema y se cierra, pero lo seguiré intentando.
Gracias :)Muaks
Sometimes it is very hard to forget.
Just so beautiful. I see you can both taste and feel the darkness of life. To write about death is hard.
Well done.
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