In Farmland Hill
Peggy moos amused
Jackcok crows off time
And Henry neighs
As he swishes his tail
To drive the flies away
It’s Farmland party time
Sheepy sheep number one
Is getting ready for her
Bleating show
And bossy Uncle Duck
Quacks madly all around
The place
Leaving a few feathers
In his way
Today he’ll be meeting
Pretty Quackie
Coming from Farmhood
The kittens mew disturbed
By such rackety noise
And move to where the hens
Whom don’t like their lack of smell
Due to this
Squeaky the mouse
Has missed
His breakfast today
In Farmland Hill
Everyone has let their hair down
They are off their usual peace
Never before Saturdays like this
Had here been seen
Farmer Joe is dumb with awe
While his daughter Eunice
For some discretion out calls.
[NOTE: When all this happened
George Orwell hadn’t yet been born.]
© Dulce
Deviantart image
Dulce, how do you know SO much about the animals? 'Farmland Hill' was my home for the first 17 years. You are describing the animals as I really knew them.
And the Farmland Girl photo! I knew her, named "Nellie Jane"...have lots of stories about THAT!
How full of surprises you are. Have a GREAT weekend!
Love and Peace!
this is just remarkable. It reminds me of this wonderful book series I had as a child, called dick and jane.
Love the photo, loved the write. I would love to read more of Farmland.
This is wonderful and it's funny, I am actually working on a painting with a woman and wagon wheels, horses, etc that was inspired by a character in a novel a friend is writing...and because my life is so immersed in country life...
Happy weekend, Sweet (Goddess) Dulce!
Hug that son of yours for me! :)
I was born in the field is not this one, either (bien criollo)
I love these stories filled with green meadows.
Happy weekend my sweet Dulce.
So charming... love it! My grandparents had a farm when I was growing up. I spent alot of time fantisizing about what might be going on in the animals' minds. Fortunately, they'd never heard of George Orwell either!
I so enjoyed this. Very well done. You are an excellent writer my friend.
It's much better than the Farm where I work.
Such a lovely farm.
Silly Saturday #4 - Purdie Pyrate's Halloween
Interesting poem.
Is somebody reading Orwell?
what a delight, dulce. truly. i so enjoyed this read.
LOL @ "Animal Farm." I was required to read that for school, which means that I didn't read it. I was perverse that way, I wouldn't read something because I was told to, but I would read what I chose. Later, I did read a lot of the books I had refused to read in school, but I never read "Animal Farm." I did listen to it as a book on tape, though, in 1990. A little too late for the test, I'm afraid!
Thanks a lot everyone for your so very nice comments. It seems I cannot post on until my *SH* ladies have read me?!!!?!!!?
Two of my fave goddesses they are... and everyone should understand why...
Well this has nothing to do with Animal Farm by G.Orwell, right?> : I just mentioned him because it came to my mind as soon as I finished the poem. I had read that book at University too, long ago, and in fact i liked it!
But the topic here goes quite in another direction...
I got inspired in the middle of the night by thinking of a cow mooing... (ha ha... )
I can't miss any inspiration if i want to keep on writing!!!!
Blessings and hugs to you all my sweet friends
Oh how wonderful Dulce!
So Loved this poem!
oh this is good ... so very, very good!!!
sounds like a children's book!
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