Once Ms Nobody
And Mr Somebody
Went out
On a blind date.
He told her all
About his magnificent
Trips, acquaintances, affairs…
In awe she listened…
Once near bed
She said,
‘I’ve got nothing to give.’
‘But why?’
‘Might be your full life,
your carelessness, your
lack of sense of humour
What I dislike?’
© Dulce
Silent Laughter >Deviantart Image

That was a cool story, and it does ring so true.
A sense of humor is a MUST! And how about maybe just a tad of mystery. Save something for the second date.
My 55 is posted here.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Chef Kar
"55" words--count them!
Full life? Hmmmmm.
Carelessness? Well, maybe...
Lack of sense of humor?
Mr Somebody? There he is: Full of Pride and Ego -killers in life (and "near" bed!)
Ms Nobody? Come, Sweetheart! I will wrap you up--in my arms, and take you home where you belong. And you shall see, all will be well.
A definite reality check there. Nicely done.
Those traits are definitely worth disliking. Very good 55.
Death and mayhem in my 55 HERE.
I am following you because I enjoy your writing and your pictures. Thanks for being so good at it!
Sincerely, Secretia
I am so glad that God sent Betty into my life long ago so I don't have to go through this.
Some men are just plain idiots.
But then what are the woman who still love them?
Great 55
Real. Vibrant. Honest. But I think not "ms. nobody" -- I would say "ms. someone very special".
this is a great 55!! mines up too
Hi Dulce
Love this one!
Ms. Special Somebody has a very special knack at writing great 55's
Will see you on Sunday, so till then have a wonderful weekend!
Hubby is taking me on a little surprise getaway tonight.
there is a huge gap between one that thinks they are somebody and have to tell people to prove it, and someone that knows she is and deserves better. great 55.
There is no turn off like a boorish man. Well said.
You make me smile Dulce...
I just love the way that you express your thoughts...:-)
Excellent 55 My Dear.
You Rock!!
Have a Stellar Week-End...G
We dragons met Ms Nobody once. She wasn't much to look at. We doubt that she would have made a full meal. Mr. Somebody on the other hand looked very tasty.Of course we don't eat people any more.
We agree that a man without humor is a pain in the donkey.
Wonderful 55
I've met a few of these in my life.
Well done...:) Have a great weekend!
He got what he deserved and I cheered at the end! Fun 55.
Ah I knew there was a way to find you :) I corrected your URL on my blog. Wonderful 55 my friend. A real reality check :) Have a great Friday :)
Is it better to be a Nobody or a Somebody, an interesting thought.
I guess it depends on the somebody. Just not this guy!
very true! how does the singer Pink put it ... "it's just you and your hand tonight..."
jajaja it's genial!! Ms Nobody, great name.!! and the mr too.
Besos:)with smiles:))))))
What popped into my head after reading your 55 (which I really liked) was:
The last shall be first and
the first shall be last.
ahhh, lost mystique cannot be regained too easily
well said dearest
Water eventually finds its own level for both sides.
Very cool 55 as, par usual...:)
Have a beautiful weekend my sweet friend~
Mr. Somebody falls into the category of I may not be much but I'm all I think about. Focus on Ms. Nobody! She's the important one! My 55 is also posted.
"I'm nobody. Are you nobody, too?"
Stop me if you've heard this one...
A man goes to the doctor because of headaches. After examining him, the doctor says, "It is as I suspected. You need a brain transplant. But you're in luck! I just happen to have two donor brains available!"
The doctor leaves the room and comes back with two cases. He opens the first one and says, "This one is a female brain. It costs five hundred dollars."
The patient asks what is in the second case. The doctor opens it and says, "This is a male brain. It costs a thousand dollars."
The patient grins and nods knowingly. "It costs more because it's better, right, Doc?"
The doctor shakes his head. "No," he says, "the male brain cost more because it has never been used!"
*snicker* :-)
I'm the one with the expensive brain, right? At least something is worthwhile! Even if it is only because of non-use.
Hey I think this is a double-dip comment, so it will be short. Oooops, too late, it's already a blong.
Think I'll post a joke tonight.
Peaceful sleep to the world across the sea.....
ha ha ha Oh Dear Shay! ( and more ha ha ha)... Not *snicker*, but *roar of laughter*
THANKS everyone for such cool comments. It's great to be read by so many people, and it feels so 'consoling', too!!! Consoling I said, but if I am Ms Everybody...
This is a great 55. Way to go, friend!
Oh how I've missed these beautiful words. Good to be back. You haven't lost your touch I see.
Hi Dulce ---You have again written another great poem for Flash 55. I think I went out with that guy once. I bet he has a lot of dates which are both the first and last ---on the same night.
Thanks for stopping by even though I haven't been posting for a few weeks. I just got overwhelmed with life and blogging and had been putting off important projects like doctor & dentist appointments, doing a month's worth of laundry, helping my husband repair our car, and finishing some art work. I want to move to a very small self-cleaning apartment in a city where I need no car. Oh, yeah, I want to win the lottery, too, so I won't have to do freelance art work. Then I can create art on a whim, read, and blog all day. I have 2 public blogs and am involved in 2 private ones (one of which I set up and created 9 posts for last week) and I have ideas for three more blogs. Am I nuts?
And i am such a night owl. In my neck of the woods, it is nearly 8:30 AM ---and I haven't gone to bed yet.
you should rename them: ms somebody and mr nobody...
Lovely! Boy do I know a Mr. Somebody who should read this... but no, he wouldn't understand it after all LOL.
Great truth in just 55 words!
Dulce- sometimes much is less and me thinks her wise. This is more brilliant than I think you know. Great 55 ~rick
Ah, the taste of a discerning woman. :)
I really liked this one..nice work!
Ah, she's got him figured! :)
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