Doing wrong is human
As is weeping
Doing wrong is human
We do it every single day
As it dawns
As it dusks
As it gets, yet darker
Doing wrong is so human
As humans
We treasure and adore
We detest and loathe
We commit ourselves
To others
Then deceive them
By trying not to do so
We do worse
In a world full of humans
Who go wrong
We find each other
Come across one another
Mix with others…
Not even God is perfect
Why should I?
Thus, there’s nothing
To forgive
No one to blame
As typical of humans is
To fail
Go astray
Make mistakes...
© Dulce
Image:: I See Empty People by Liek (Deviantart)
D-I can't speak for others and certainly not God, but my own failings fall on my head like a hard rain that knows no end, so I love mercy and forgiveness. I gather it like precious wild flowers. ~rick
Dulce, what happened to your bubbly mood?
I like what Leonard Cohen says in his song "Anthem".
"Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack, in everything
That's how the light gets in."
If we don't make mistakes, how can we not learn from them?...Nice piece of writing :)
I go with "Dark Wings' comment--make mistakes...or never learn. I never did learn from watching--I have to (right or wrong) DO IT!
Also--not to argue, but i have to say God is NOT imperfect...we should "talk" about this, Senorita Dulce.
From me to you--PEACE!
I agree with everything, but in the middle of this all God is perfect. He knows that we are not and forgives everything. Con carino...
Oh my, so deep!
I have made many mistakes in my life but have learned greatly from them.
But it is the 'perfect' love of God that keeps me on the right track.
Each day I learn how to be a better person from the 'perfect' love He gives me and I know He forgives me.
So, it's all good, life is all good!
Thanks for the most ensightful post, Dulce.
You are the best!
Interesting poem. with an ode to an imperfect God. A wee bit of theology there.
If indeed God is imperfect does that give us an excuse to cheat lie etc?
And if I'm sorry that I fail shouldn't I be forgiven?
So many questions.
Beautifully written.
it's human alright... it's okay to err. then make up and move on.
I like this....shows human emotion, forgiveness, erring, being one with themselves and knowing that being human is okay.
"To err is human, to forgive is divine."
Yes, we all screw up -- listening, compassion, and forgiving brings us closer.
A very deep piece with many layers.
smiles and love,
Yes, we are a bit flawed in our pursuit of perfection.
Something I heard lately "Blessed are the poor in spirit..."
it's what the man said, this poem sums it up for me, glad i don't have to count on self, but can be dependent on something/someone beyond me
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