When She Smiles-----------------------------------------------------------------
Smiling she’s found out
To be the best way
To get on with life
Smiles always welcome people
No matter they are
Disturbed or full of pride
When she smiles
She’s smiled back
Cause the spirit within
Is rejoicing
Second after second
Since she smiles more often
She’s found better friends
She argues less
People see her soul
Through her
Smiling eyes and
That she knows
They like it so
Apparently nothing much
Yet more than enough...

Smiling she’s found out
To be the best way
To get on with life
Smiles always welcome people
No matter they are
Disturbed or full of pride
When she smiles
She’s smiled back
Cause the spirit within
Is rejoicing
Second after second
Since she smiles more often
She’s found better friends
She argues less
People see her soul
Through her
Smiling eyes and
That she knows
They like it so
Apparently nothing much
Yet more than enough...
Dulce, do you know for many (40) years I looked at the ground or the floor, wherever I went, not wanting to "see" the enemy, to look into their false-loaded eyes.
After some (long?) time sober, I began to look at everyone and smile. Walking now through the Mall or at a large function, I have found "they" are NOT the enemy I once thought.
They are now friendly friends. Thos who resent happiness in another are so FEW, they don't count. They will change in God's time.
What I'm saying (in TOO many words) is: you are SO right about this post...I have PROVED it to myself. I love now Laughter, Joy, Serenity, Peace, Happiness, and LOVE in others, because I believe it is the "God" within them.
Thank you for this "EASY" read, which says SO much.
Love brings Peace!
I love smiling. I was told years ago I always looked sad, that I had a nice smile, I feel better when I smile, and get a smile BACK..
Dulce you always make me SMILE. I love this.. you should keep this one on the side so we can see it all the time and SMILE..:}
I love Michael Jackson, and miss him terribly
his song SMILE means so much to me, even more now as I know he is smiling on US
some of the words from his song
If you smile
Through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile...
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
Smiles are friendly.
Ghost, Goblins, Ghouls, Oh, My
Dulce dear, I love this! It is wise and true indeed.
I think one of the nicest things about being a woman is the smiles given and received. Guys do the guy nod. We smile. I like our way better!
I love this, Dulce *** smile ***
smiles WORK! lovely depiction of how nice triumph over not-so-nice. and i love your halloween graphic!
It's one sacred recipe of my life!
This was a wonderful poem, Dulce. I'm nodding my head at Steve E. and his comment. Kept my head down, looking at the floor, for way too many years. Now I'm smiling and the world is a much better place.
Dulce, this is lovely. It reminds me of a quote which I cannot fully remember, but goes something like this: "Emulate that which you would become."
The girl with the smile in her eyes.
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through for you.......(Charles Chaplin)
You make me smile, thanks:)
Smiles attract better friends is right.
Dulce- A sincere smile can so so much more than words. a sweet language indeed. ~rick
What an uplifting poem.
I can almost see your smile.
That is fabulous :)
Ah! And finally a poem on Smile!
Very true, a good smile from your heart is good enough to win hearts the world over. It has the power to transcend boundaries.
yeah smile can act like that only illuminated light in a room full of darkness!!its like ray of hope!!true smile can always be identified,shows the purity of the heart!!well written poem and keep writing!!
Smiles are contagious...I love to smile whenever I am out and about, even if I don't feel like it because in reality it will often uplift my mood just be doing so...
*smile* for you!
smile is the shortest distance between two hearts.
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