I surely shouldn’t have met.
To those
Who didn’t,
But did.
To those
Who don’t,
But do.
I guess...
You some time think of me.
Hardly ever think about me.
But if you ever did,
Or do
I’m sure
A butterfly
Or flew
From your stomach and
From your sweet heart...
© Dulce
Every Friday, compose a short story of 55 words - no more, no less. If you want to join and give it a try...post yo ur story and report to the boss G-Man
Does it say that sometimes we have more of an immediate effect on someone? And it haunts them a little?
1. I don't know WHAT it says.
Or DO I?
2. I understood.
But did not.
3. I GOT it.
But I don't GET it.
4. And the butterflies are flying everywhere...free again? Or NOT!
5. CHARMING "55", Dulce, you have perfected the poet's way of cloaking your thoughts in mystery from us mere mortals.
a passing memory and perhaps the shudder of lost opportunity. yeah they think of you. smiles.
nice 55.
mine is up!
Those words truly paint a picture. Great job.
HERE is mine --scroll down below my show n tell as always. Happy Friday.
Love it...even if they dont admit it, we still cross their minds atleast...Just hate when its not the person that you want to miss you lol
Butterflies are the best part of this poem. They express the inexpressible which is known by only the one who has had it.
I like to listen to those butterfly moments.
Joy always,
their loss it is... great one this is!
I want to touch people. impact them in some way...leave an impression. love your poetry. Sarah
absolutely perfect 55!! great description it is how i feel when i think of you and when i read your work!!
so very cute :)
So sweet as Butterflies in the stomach.
A beautiful sensation.
Besos:) nevaditos hoy umm, raro por acá...
That was certainly an unexpected ending. Well done.
Hey, I fully understand this. If ya got it you'd figure it out. Simplicity is everything.. well written x
Love love love this! I do hope that someone has thought of me in that way.
Ay yo te envidio el calorcito..no me gusta el frío, estoy en Salou y esta mañana nevaba, no es común, había pasado en el 2001, yo estoy aquí desde el 2002, conoci la nieve por primera vez el año pasado en Andorra, me quedo con las playas y el sol.
Y también Te quiero.
love love love this one! very well done, lady!! thanks so much for coming by my place - always wonderful to have you visit!!! have a glorious day!
Pretty Cool!! Very well written and a sweet thought!!
so beautiful as always -- i have no doubt they think of you, often, and kick themselves for their lost opportunity!
warm smiles,
oh, how interesting! to think of all who have thought of you...did you ever think of them too?
I have met a few people that made me want to turn back the hands of time and remove the meeting. But that can't happen.
Glad to meet you, and look forward to reading more,
really like your layout and content
i will be reading your blog & thanks for following!
I loved that image of the butterfly. Maravilloso. Besos!
"Of" and "about" creates such a difference. Nice work!
Me hiciste emocionar, de verdad, vaya las coincidencias, gracias por compartir esto tan apreciado, me gustó escucharlo, es como escuchar a Silvio, donde esté estará orgulloso de ti.
Un gran abrazo, se te quiere:)
A very nice 55, Dulce. I'm always a bit envious of someone who can say something, and so beautifully, in 55 words, 'cause I sure as heck can't!!! Have a lovely weekend, dear one! :-)
I know this, if I ever got the chance yo meet you, I'd have Big Time butterfies!!
Loved this 55 Dulce...
Thank you for this little Gem, and have a Kick Ass Week End!
Hermosas mariposas, querida Dulce.
Bellisimos versos.
Mil besitos!!!
Well done 55.
Aww, Dulce - some guys just don't get it... and then again, some guys do! We just have to get better at picking 'em!
hmmm is this a threat or a promise. I like butterflies. There's alwats something taunting and drawing about your writing. a push then pull. wxciting. ~rick
Nicely done...without regret.
You manage to say one hell of a lot in a few short words! I'll bet there are a lot of men out there with a bevy of Monarchs fluttering away in their gastric regions.
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