My man is crazy
My man is sweet
Not silly
My man tells me
All I need to hear.
When he hugs me
I feel
So much at peace.
My man is cuddly
My man is luscious
He calls me names
That make me squeeze.
My man paints me
With his brush...
All so much
No apologies.
All mistakes
All types of kisses
With my gentle
New man
Oh dear
Now so near
There’s at all
No fear.
© Dulce
Hmm. Sounds too good to be real.
mmm...make it so.
love this image.
Hmmm. Sounds so good it MUST be real! Sorry, Fireblossom, just a different take on things. Always been partial to people dreaming a noble dream :)
Steph Fey x
Hmm...I'd love a man to paint me with his brush! :)
Definitely a keeper :)
Shay & Stefanie
If this had been a contest you'd both have won first prize...
But it's not.
Shame on me, shame on you!
Yes, I'll take that shame - and knock myself over the head with it, to see if it kick-starts some sense! Will let you know how I get on ;)
Steph x
Dulce- I was suspicious while reading this until the end when you say "new" that explains it all. Try writing this in a year. But it made me feel good anyway. ~L
I like the way this reads. It stirs me some!
Hey "L" Thanks for your comments..
Only that 'L' does not mean a great deal to me...
I'd rather you gave me me one more clue... just to me right?
Love, LOVE this....you feel the same about YOUR man as I do mine.
Hope your weekend treated you well my friend, and as always...thanks for visiting.
A new man? Hmmm... very nice, then. I'll be expecting more of this, Dulce, so you better dish it out! That was very nice, by the way! I'm smiling for you.
Sounds like your man helps to rid you of fear. Illiminatuion of fear makes a big difference in life.
This was a great and revealing work.
Best regards,
Tom Bailey
Shame? He is not real???
You know him very well!! so he's real.
He is somewhere waiting to meet you.
I'm sure.
Sweeter Dulce, Howdy!
I have a strong feeling that this "new man" you did not meet only yesterday! You seem to know him too well. And I am certain he is aware of what a bundle of JOY he has found--in you.
Dulce, Do not tale this as criticism please: You have been writing for a long time things like "What is white, is really black. What is small, is large. What seems false, is really true. What is up, is also down, what is sad creates happy, what is known, is also unknown.
Am I the one who believes you now, that this post is closer to truth than some others?
Maybe! But then you write as one of the "labels" NOTHING SPECIAL???
Hey I did not finish B4 my comment went "public" --grin!
Just wanted to add: You have a way to write like none other, Dulce. Your style is such that there is just no other....very good!
Dulce, your poem just shows your love to your man. Love your writing style, and i can so relate to your poem.
your man sounds enchanting, great work.
Shay ;)
You know me too well, or maybe not!
thanks, the image is my favourite here... together with its matching lines!
I love it when my poems stir you (LOL) Wait till next Wednesday and 'stir' will become a too simple word (i hope)
You are always welcome here. Sorry I do not comment on yours so often, but
you are my queen of queens. Who is the one? I cannot say, I just don't know...or do I? I am confused... ;)
I've already told you. Am so pleased you are a new friend here!
welcome back mi amiga. te echaba de menos ginger hair! ;)
Thanks , you are a love and I also missed you loads. Everything will be alright. Cross fingers... YES!
Thanks for your comment so full of light ;)
ya sabes que eres un ángel para mí... ese hombre es real, pero no está a mi lado. El amor es así a veces... lo bueno: poder sentirlo.
Thank You Steveroni for your "very good" comment you are really the best at commenting and flattering and making compliments... I think you exaggerate a bit, don't you think? (grin) AND it's true this is labelled as "nothing special" because when words come out easily that's my way to call it. Now what is true or not, black or white, clear or dusty, will remain a mystery!
Thanks for coming by again. Nice to 'see' you are back!
you are so sweet ;)
HEY this is exhausting!
And exceptional...
Reads so romantic. This man sounds like an artist of love; paints love in your heart with a brush. His heart is filled with love and your spirit is accepting. Appreciating all that he has to give. Beautiful!
I love the flow in this one. I mean, both in the poetry and the implication. Well done!
Good heavens, he came?... Yessss!
Vi que respondías entonces volví, para enterarme, ya me parecía...
great Poem. It reminds me of my man. haha
I hope this man is real and not just a poem.
Happy New Year Dulce...Is that you holding the Rose?
Love this man! Beautiful poem!
Did you not know....all men are crazy!
I am liking the short stanzas here and the feelings within each.
Sounds like love is in the air :)
lucky lady :)
Does he have a brother?
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