Do you think?
As much as me?
What about?
What is it?
How big is your love?
Do you think?
What can be in your innocent mind?
How do you see the world?
Is it the safe place
So many lucky kids…
…Heaven on Earth
Or is it that other
So many more…
…Hell on Earth
Is it my idea
Of what you think
Or your own?
You might perfectly hide?
Is this paradise?
How much does it please
Your peace?
For you get all you need
And more than you wish
Yes, I give and give
To keep you like this
And away from those fires
The undesired.
What do you see
When you look at me?
What would it be like
Without me at your side?
Without you
I couldn’t
No way
So, I’d better not
Rather not
Even think about it
I’ll grasp this moment as the last
And that I fear
And cannot control
Get out of here
Better not think.
My dear...