
Friday, February 26

Left Behind

I won’t tell them
You left

Nobody should know

Cause my soul
Still touches your presence.

I can’t tell them
You left

And that your decision,
Just one,
Is not like mine,
A tag of war.

I’ll hide from them
And manage to pretend
You are still by my side...

...Smelling the flowers
Of my garden
So bright
Now blossoming in the night.

From those I’ll hide
Who with me celebrated

For my soul can’t ignore
But lure your presence.
_________________________________________Deviantart Image


Dulçe ♥ said...

Had to add word verification...sorry.
I hope that prevents those spammers from gettting in! (?)

Have a nice weekend ALL of you MY DEAR Friends!

And remember
A poem is just a poem...


RNSANE said...

Sad, but, oh, so lovely!

Kay said...

is it denial...or just hope that one clings to? i like to think hope; followed by a happy-ever-after (i have always been a dreamer). well done.


hey there lady dulce! finally making it over afer being so side tracked lately - love this piece of yours, as i do all your others - about the new town new home thing - i've certainly been there, done that! my thoughts with you!!!

Anonymous said...

That was an intensely personal message in your poem! An important one.


Nevine Sultan said...

Oh, yes. A poem is just a poem. But never just a poem with you, Dulce. A beautiful poem, in this case. A perfect way to begin the weekend, I say! ;-)


Sylvia said...

Beautiful. He should come to you and say: "No, you're wrong! I didn't leave... " Like in that song, Lara Fabian.

Margie said...

If your poem is based on reality, it makes me sad for you!
Hope it's fiction.

But well done on the writing!

Have a good weeeknd, Dulce.

Margie :)

Ileana said...

"My soul still touches your presence..." Que triste y romantico a la misma vez.

Isha Ethera said...

I love it.

steveroni said...

Word verification--well, that just lost ME as a follower--BIG GRIN!

DD your writing simply gets better and better. And I'm not the only one to say that...

"Inquiring Minds Can't Be Wrong"

Seriously, this one is a winner!
Take Care

Reysagrado said...

I still feel her Soul standing by mine:)

And it cheers me up when I feel down:)

One kiss from my Soul, Sweetie:)

Shadow said...

longing and tears is what i feel...

Man Named Kim said...

i always love the cadence of your work. best read aloud...


Anonymous said...

good morning sweet one. So sorry I have been away. Thanks for caring.
Funny this poem seems fitting with how I am feeling and what I wrote.

souls are deep so deep once we find that soul mate. I love the smelling of your gardens , so bright, blossoming in the night.



Martin said...

The photo, the photo. It is such a descriptive to your post of missing he who has left again

My trouble, I don't know where to be sad for you or happy. So i'll be me.

Josephine said...

Have a feeling he'll be back...
Very nice!

Anonymous said...

You're just amazing at producing these incredible poems Dulce!

Have a nice weekend!

SILVIA said...

Unos versos intensos amiga mía. Y bellos. El amor siempre es una de cal y otra de arena. pero eso es lo bello, no? Besitos!!!

Caroline said...

Tis a bit sad today...especially after the previous post.

Angeles said...

El amor no sabe de tiempo y espacio, igual que los poemas.
Buen domingo!!

PD:No entendí lo del viento, por aquí no hay.. cosa rara..

Angeles said...

La imagen..ufffff tremenda!!
+ Besos:)

Nikki (Sarah) said...

shame...understand that so well. you say so much with so few words. ☺

Felicitas said...

This is so well written and I can definitely relate to what you have expressed. Splitting up is a painful process... it just takes time.

Rick said...

one thing I've learned, Dulce. A poem is just a poem unless someone says it's just a poem. Then it's something more. Take care~rick