We’ve told each other
All the words possible
Even the unspeakable
An attempt to accept...
We’ve enjoyed
The deepest embrace
The sweetest kisses
The brightest smiles.
We’ve told each other
The most adorable compliments
The closest intimacy
The most sensitive whispers
The most lascivious fantasies.
We’ve written each other
The purest poems
The most consoling letters
An attempt to state...
We’ve sent each other
The most aromatic flowers
The most durable scents.
We’ve looked into each other’s souls
Seen the most positive resplendence
Felt the widest and wildest charms
Tasted the most exquisite pleasures
Attempts to measure...
We’ve shared the funniest laughter
Cried the most painful tears
Attempts to make plain...
We’ve told each other
In all possible ways
I love you
And I love you too
Attempts to explain
So many still remain
And are left...
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Very well written, still leaves me wondering what the story is behind it...
Happy Valentine's Day to you! This was lovely.
Feliz San Valentin querida amiga. Hermoso versos. Besitos!!!
Happy Valentine´s Day, Sweetie! And stay close to Love!
Dulce, I thank you for expressing the unlimited concept of a growing love. You did it nicely.
I suposed that you would dedicate something to the love and,...I was not mistaken. Milord from heaven.
Wow! The whole range of love... and then some. The words of love drip so sweetly from you... always, Sweetest! A beautiful string of words. Have a lovely Valentine's Day, Dulce! :-)
Han sentido el amor.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
En tu espacio todos los días es San Valentín.
Que el amor esté en tu vida cada día.
Y en la de todos nosotros claro..
want it...
beautifully expressed. Beautiful done. Happy Valentines. Sarah
Beautiful, Beautiful piece. A thousand CLAP CLAPPPPPPPPP. I bow to you Poetess! WEll done!
wonderful valentines poem. love is...
Dulce, this is from your experience and from:
The deepest part
Of your heart
Shows where you and
Are joining together.
And whether cold, rain, snow, or
Sunshine of the Canaria...
Wherever YOU are, it
Must be fair weather.
Thank you for these most beautiful words, they bring tears of joy, and produce a beating heart of longing.
With and within all this,
is a fiery, burning desire--to be where you are--to learn WHO you are. See what well-placed words do? They extract what is already here. Pleasant and wonderful thoughts, challenges, and.......LOVE.
You are good.
The whispers of so many lovers all over the world is beautifully captured and expressed in this poem.
A lovely Valentine's to you and your loved ones.
Joy always,
the whole under and over world would whisper if they knew who she was.
Happy Valentines day to you too. Lovely poem.
Wonderful. Happy Valentine's day.
"Love is in the air..." You have a gift at my Blog.
Dulce-yes, as it should be. more left. remaining to be explored. This love you so often speak of draws me to the fire. Makes me want it. I hold your words as bouquet and breathe deeply. For this, Thank you~rick
Dulce - This is what real love looks like! I think this may also be one of your loveliest works! Happy Valentines Day sweetie!
beautiful words, love never ends.
What beautiful sentiments and what a mood you've created for Valentine's Day, mi amiguita.
No one expresses love in words better than you!
I see the foundation strengthening and I see a future here...
Hmm.....love's mysterious facets sweetly explored...sweetly captured...sweetly spiced...sweetly served...hmmmmm...and it tastes sweeter than sweet!!!!!
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