Broken by the wide horizons
You won’t have to exile yourself
From your companions
I’ll know
I’ll always be to you
More than all the rest
Why don’t you just come
And then forget forever?
We can always keep
That perfect hour
You’ll be my king
I’ll be your slave
You’ll be my fruit
I’ll be your flower
Or instead…
As you prefer.
After that
Weep not
Do not, my darling
This is all we have
Thank that God of yours
And mine
There’ll be that passion
And then there
In our dreams
As it used to be
We might walk on other spheres
With different type of tears.
You won’t have to exile yourself
From your companions
I’ll know
I’ll always be to you
More than all the rest
Why don’t you just come
And then forget forever?
We can always keep
That perfect hour
You’ll be my king
I’ll be your slave
You’ll be my fruit
I’ll be your flower
Or instead…
As you prefer.
After that
Weep not
Do not, my darling
This is all we have
Thank that God of yours
And mine
There’ll be that passion
And then there
In our dreams
As it used to be
We might walk on other spheres
With different type of tears.
Very well done. It has a dreamy tone to it, and I like it alot!
a longing we all have :)
I know this longing feeling all tooo well...Me and my first love have been playing this game over and over for 19 years....But now I dont know...If it is to be, it will be...If not, it wont...
Dulce, is it my understanding that you are willing to sacrifice one hour
of your time? Your must be called the "generous generation".
And this "lover" must come from far away? I would hope you might meet his flight arrival, and the ride toi your house will not be counted as part of "THAT PERFECT HOUR"!
You DO write so well, you know? This post even sends a message of
Take care.
oh so beautiful -- acceptance
this just flows, sweet, tender, with love...
warm smiles,
this lover should be happy if he was reading all of these poems
This is an emotional writing, it makes me a little sad, but it's lovely too.
This is wonderful! So full of emotion :)
Que imagen más bonita Dulce, un abrazo grande:)
¡Que bonito querida Dulce!
Diferentes tipos de lágrimas....
sencillamente bello. Un besito!!!
Please pardon my intrusion. I wish only to say that your poetry is captivating. Poetry has a way with me as no other literary form.
Kindest Wishes,
What a beautiful escape. D is right, your poetry is captivating. You create a mood...a sensual, warm and inviting mood.
Loved your ending ...
We might walk on other spheres
With diferent type of tears.
Margie :)
Oh, Dulce... "You’ll be my king/I’ll be your slave"... Nice, and then I'll be your queen while you can be my slave for a while... and we'll alternate master and mistress roles... yeah? And I love that bit about walking "on other spheres", though it speaks of an alternate reality that might be a bit less friendly. But life would be so dull without that bit of darkness to remind us that color exists, no? See? Your words have opened a barrage of thoughts. I like that! :-)
sometimes, the ships passing in the night - bump. sometimes, it isn't a bad thing.
well-- that was my thought after reading this.
perchance to dream of the way it should be...such fierce longing...nicely done!
Oh to have that perfect hour...
Oh beautiful - it's all in the timing!
You're so talented.
this poem makes me very wistful in a soft way
I wish there was no horizons, no forevers
and no different tears
you've twisted my arm. enjoy now, what follows later, follows later...
I would definitely be thanking the Goddess's and yours for that sweetest of invitations.
Have you been listening to someone's prayers Dulce?
Playing God by answering them?
Blasphemy! (Unless you are being serious)
Dulce, Dulce, "Why don’t you just come
And then forget forever?"
Absolute negation of the ego and that is love after all.
Love becomes lovelier when seen through the lens of your mind scape.
Love and joy always,
arms will never tire of this flight
One day I'll be your fruit
Another day I'll be your flower
And you may be mine.
How perfectly you write.
Kisses, Dulce
We might walk on other spheres
With different type of tears.
Este final dice tanto...
No importa lo lejos que vayamos...
las lágrimas son las mismas.
Pero hay que irse para comprender..lo.
so strange, Dulce. at first I was reading this and halfway thru I felt myself in it, surrounded by it. Like the thought, uour words were bigger than the page. ~rick
simply adorable.
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