Writing helps
I feel it kind of gets a bit out of here
My mind looks desperately
To get a certain freedom
What freedom
Gives us the freedom of thoughts
What is the compensation here
For so much evil there
I see this terrible world
So many cases like that
All we know and...
Oh those we never get to know!
How can those monsters dare abuse those children
How can mother nature allow that to happen?
Why don’t they evil bastards get burnt in their own bonfire
Any accident would do!
How I’ve wished their long suffering
Desperate agony...
How can those monsters dare abuse those children
How can mother nature allow that to happen?
I wish I had the justice- what’s that?
In my hands
And become the executor
Do not worry
It won’t take me more than a few minutes
To make justice- what’s that?
How can those monsters dare abuse those children
How can mother nature allow that to happen?
What relief would that give me?
Seeing them suffer the cruellest of pains
Would that make me happier?
Would I get some sort of catharsis?
But I feel I need I must be made for this
Even though those are not my children
And I look around
And people keep on smiling
And others keep on dying
More suffering
And the other ones
Keep laughing
Celebrating, smiling
And even praying
For it’s all in god’s hands!
How I wish s/he made justice- what’s that?
And so merry
They keep on celebrating
And laughing
And I am one of them
As well
But I keep on crying
Dying and no way
And asking why those monsters dare abuse those children
How can mother nature allow that to happen.
No, sorry
I was wrong
Writing does not help.
But I can share this with you
If you’ve read.
___________________________________________________________________________Deviantart Image
Yes Dulce, it does feel frustrating to be not able to do anything. I often think about this position. But I think what is important is not to be passive. You know that feeling -- pretending as if everything is all well and thinking: 'What is the big deal anyway?'
I am glad you are writing about what niggles your mind. Just because you write, we get to read and the cycle goes on. Who knows one of your readers or maybe two will act.
You have created the awareness and now its our turn.
Joy always,
one of my daughters is a child advocate for the state - that means that she represents the interests of the children who have been abused, neglected or whatever by parents and/or other family members - the stories unbelievable - and so many more cases that don't get reported - so many more children suffer - she loves her job but literally takes it home with her every day in many ways - every state is shorthanded when it comes to children's advocates - and then, what of those children whose abuse is not reported!
Do keep on writing, Dulce as I feel it does help, helps you and others as well.
There is so much pain and suffering in the world that we cannot change!
The news is uuually bad news, not much good news.
About 3 times a week I substitute Bach for the news. I don't miss anything that I won't hear again soon.
I also make it a habit of allowing a piece of news about suffering to trigger a moment of reflection for those involved.
That helps a lot.
As then I do not feel so powerless.
I say a prayer for those suffering.
I grieve for those that are suffering.
Having grieved, I return to life with a new compassion and even a new joy.
I appreciate your concern and compassion for the abused children, it's such a terrible tragedy.
Si sirve la escritura, para saber de los sentimientos del que escribe.
Cuando el alma se desnuda, se puede aprender mucho de ello.
Muchas gracias. Te he mandado un correo, pero no sé si lo hice bien.
Tienes mi permiso para lo de los poemas. Es un honor para mí.
Muchos besos.
this was very deep dear, there is always bad news in this world one of the things sadly we have to live with, excellent poem :)
writing may not help you (thought i think it does), but at the very least it keeps this evil in the light - and thus fights it...
There are no definitive answers to the many unknown questions. We learn, we grow, through writing, and reading. Through sharing.
Your words speak loudly. They help others, I for one.
Creo que a los hombres (como género) nos quedan bastantes asignaturas pendientes, tendríamos que cambiar un poquito todos para que el mundo sea un lugar mejor, siempre digo que sólo comprendemos lo vivido, había un escrito frente a la facultrad de filosofía de mi ciudad, que lamentablemente no lo tengo, pero hablaba de muchas cosas como estas y decía...a mi no me pasó.. hasta que una.. Si, misterios que tiene la vida, ojalá un día nos detengamos a Ver qué pasa alrededor.
Es así, sin título, no tiene nombre, totalmente injusto.
keep writing about it!
Writing does help. I pray for the day I will stop drinking the poison that I think will kill them, when it is me I am hurting.
But writing does help, Dulce. It builds intelligence. It builds understanding. And it builds self-awareness, most importantly. Writing and reading and learning always helps... more than we will ever realize.
I am breathless. I am moved. I feel validated. I feel loved. I feel like someone with a powerful voice has stood up for me. I hope others can feel this too. I ♥ you.
I wrote a dedication to you and linked to this post over in my world. Thank you.
The writing helps because it helps the reader. Your writing is always a gift!
Thanks, Dulce!
incomprehensible it is to me. i feel and understand your frustration...
It’s happened near my place… that a karate trainer has been abusing his pupils, both boys and girls (aged 8-13), for more than twenty years, menaced--they would not get this or that or even be killed if they dared to say what happened there to anyone outside the place.
The child in me feels afraid and impotent, she feels frightened and confused… and the woman in me is full of hatred and more impotence, because these things happen and because these things do exist and it is not a bad dream, but a nightmare you cannot get out of.
All I can do is write… yes; only to make the world be a bit more aware that we are surrounded by too many sick-minded people… and that I do not find a reason why those people should stay alive or ever have been born. And that I am scared because I am a mother and if something like that ever happened to my child I could …
Yes I should calm down… and you know what I mean.
THANKS my dearest friends for these so very supportive comments. You are so special to me…
you are not "just" writing. you are speaking out, making a stand, awareness comes out when one writes about inhumanity -- and in my opinion, that is what abuse is. if each person, helped to bring awareness to one other person, and we actually acted as a strong united body...change could occur..
be strong -- speak out -- write out -- it DOES make a difference!
I told you once that these things happened to me, when I was quite young. So full of fear, I learned to not say anything about it, because adults only said I was improvising these stories and laughed at me.
We have much of that in US as well. That karate instructor should be hung in the town square by his feet--no, more better hung from his...................Oh, my!
But what of the many pedophiles who go about unknown, unnoticed?
This is a disease like alcoholism. They eat away at the fabric like a moth.
Take Care
I am so sorry for all this and so hurt... I need to post something different in about a minute.
Thank you my friends.
LOVE for you all!
Word verification: 'fisnisi'... let's give an end to it NOW.
only so much the human heart can stand and so many easy escapes within reach. Writing doesn't help me either. But do it I must.
For me, writing does help....Then the Word of God takes my pains away...Even the pains of my many years of being abused...Sexually, mentally and physically...Writing for me...helps my soul....rest as ease...sharing with others...releasing...
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