This love…
It seems and said it is
And I truly believe
For it must be
The more intellectual
And intelligent you become
The more that love grows within
Might seem impossible
But I truly believe
For there I’ve been
A mixture of frustration
And hope
A hope to find in that person
Every single thing
Even more than you need
Actually just through fantasy
That perfection
One always seeks
Sweeter than just sweet
A need to have the ideal
No need to go through it
In reality.
So stimulating this feeling is
Because as you think and feel
As you feel and think
No witness comes to play
So you can give free rein
To your imagination
This love…
No agreements or disagreements
No arguments
No dirty details
It doest not get old
For it’s out of time and space
This love…
Is not moody
But clean
Always loose
No limits
No nuances…
No censorship allowed…
Written for >One Shot Wednesday (Poetry In Motion) Go take part!